Перевод для "crazily" на испанский
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I am in love, crazily in love.
Estoy enamorada, locamente enamorada.
Every night I've been searching crazily
Cada noche, he estado buscándolo locamente.
They are crazily loyal to the country.
Son locamente leales al país
And my heart wanted men crazily...
Y mi corazón locamente quería hombres.
You're talking crazily.
Estas hablando locamente
They say he was acting crazily.
Dicen que estaba actuando locamente.
To be crazily in love... without reciprocity.
Estar locamente enamorado... sin reciprocidad.
Yet I love them crazily.
Pero los amo locamente.
I'm crazily scared right now.
Estoy locamente miedo en estos momentos.
Crazily in love (Always thinking of her)
Enamorado locamente (Siempre pensando en ella)
He laughed crazily.
—Se echó a reír locamente—.
   Phrases of music seesawing crazily.
Frases musicales balanceándose locamente.
The other mad, daredevil, crazily impudent.
El otro demente, temerario, locamente impúdico.
The flashlight bobbed crazily ahead.
El haz de luz de la linterna saltaba locamente.
The moon rocked crazily through the window.
La luna danzaba locamente al otro lado de la ventana.
He hunched forward, eyes gleaming crazily.
Se inclinó hacia delante, con los ojos brillando locamente.
Crazily, I wished Van Gogh were there to see it.
Locamente, deseé que Van Gogh hubiera estado allí para verlo.
And sometimes a voice has counseled me, crazily, “Scorch the earth.
Algunas veces me ha consolado una voz locamente: «Quema la tierra.
We ate Mrs. Thibodeaux, Ian Duncan thought crazily.
Ya hemos comido, señora Thibodeaux, pensó locamente Ian Duncan.
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