Перевод для "break-throughs" на испанский
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Time and again I experienced those lightning flashes of illumination which herald the break-through.
Una y otra vez experimentaba esos relámpagos de iluminación que anuncian la penetración.
The rest of our northern frontier, the territories bordering on Gallia and Belgica, is secure at this time and we aren’t anticipating any Greek attempt to break through from that direction.
El resto de nuestra frontera norte, los territorios colindantes con la Galia y Bélgica, por el momento es seguro, y no tenemos ninguna previsión de intento de penetración desde allí.
the Americans ( now) were in it now, rushing frantically across the Atlantic Ocean before it was too late and the scraps were all gone, and the break-through had come: the old stale Germanic tide washing again over the Somme and Picard towns which you might have thought had served their apprenticeship, washing along the Aisne a month later so that clerks in Paris bureaus were once more snapping the locks on the worn and homeless attachd-cases, May and even the Marne again, American troops counter-attacking this time among the ruined towns which you would think might have had absolution too.
los estadounidenses (1918 ya) habían entrado en guerra, atravesando frenéticos el océano antes de que fuese demasiado tarde, no quedase nada y se produjera la penetración: la marea alemana tradicional se derramaba de nuevo sobre los pueblos del Somme y de la Picardía, de los que podría pensarse que ya les habían servido de lección, y un mes después a lo largo del Aisne, de manera que los escribientes, en sus despachos de París, cerraban a toda prisa sus valijas diplomáticas, gastadas y sin hogar; mayo y de nuevo, incluso, el Marne, con las tropas estadounidenses contraatacando esta vez entre los pueblos en ruinas de los que cabría pensar que ya se habían merecido la absolución.
For me it's a break through.
Para mí es una ruptura.
Alcohol is no substitute for the kind of hard work that produces the sudden ‘break-through’, the perfect collaboration of criticism and inspiration, of robot and ‘real me’.
El alcohol no puede sustituir al trabajo exigente que produce la «ruptura» súbita, la colaboración perfecta de la crítica y la inspiración, del robot y el «yo real».
It had begun, though, to break through the fog of the dream: It had begun as a mixture of not knowing what was going on and the foreboding sensation that the incommensurable was just around the corner.
Aunque ya había empezado a romper la niebla del ensueño; la ruptura empezó como una mezcla entre no saber lo que estaba pasando y la frenética sensación de que lo inconmensurable estaba a la vuelta de la esquina.
In the months after the relationship ends, a person can seem to grow at a lightning rate, like in a nature documentary where weeks of footage is run at high speed to show a plant unfurling in seconds, but in reality the person has been growing all along, under the surface, and it is only in their new freedom, in their hair-raising aloneness, that the person can allow for these underground things to break through and unfurl themselves in the light.
En los meses que siguen a la ruptura, podemos tener la sensación de que cambiamos a un ritmo vertiginoso, como en los documentales de la naturaleza en los que semanas de metraje se reproducen a mayor velocidad para mostrarnos el desarrollo de una planta en cuestión de segundos, pero en realidad llevábamos todo ese tiempo cambiando bajo la superficie, y solo en medio de la libertad recién estrenada, en esa soledad espeluznante, podemos consentir que todos esos cambios subterráneos afloren y se desplieguen en busca de luz.
you will leap into the verbal future: a prescription, an obligation, a certainty?: a subjective mood in any case: without the assurance of the aorist tense, characteristic of historical statement, and its gleaming varnish of truth: adding yourself with a mere stroke of the pen to that small though smiling pleiad of airy utopian dreamers who since the Century of Enlightenment have attempted to rescue the grim land of your forefathers from its proud natural unreason?: to the eminent encyclopedists, promoters of agricultural and industrial development, members of prestigious corporations, virtuous citizens useful to the country who, following the number-one mastodon of your orthodoxy, candidly believed, with dovelike innocence, that merely by handing over deeds to farm land and setting up economic enterprises there would spring up artificial meadows, cotton manufactories, and trading companies, thus turning the deserts and uncultivated fields into edens where prosperity and abundance would reign?: idyllic dreams, bucolic illusions which, extended to all areas of social existence, gave rise to fantastic plans for education and communal life, modeled on Greco-Roman antiquity and completely alien to the hostile, teeming masses of a nation that was not only far more ignorant and brutish than most but also a past master at scornfully spurning the offerings of the native species of philanthropists: rustic aristocrats, pastoral monarchs, clever experimenters in the field of abstruse pneumatic machinery who were immortalized in etchings and canvases, posed against the background of a pleasing, prosperous, industrious Swiss landscape!: a utopia promptly ruined and as promptly reconstructed in the course of the bourgeois industrial revolution, as meanwhile in the stony and gloomy land there were repeated scenes of violence, captured or dreamed in a delirium by the great deaf painter, amid a sinister splendor of smoke and gunpowder, the prelude to other, now inextinguishable fires: a series of dark events which, by betraying all the bright hopes for the future, perhaps occasioned the outbreak of boils that so afflicted the most lucid spirit of the age: the author, as is well known, of rigorous scientific analyses which, although idle fantasy played no part whatsoever in them, were nonetheless to engender, by sheer paradox, those grandiose social constructs which history offers us as a model, in which the captains of two opposing camps, with juvenile, stubborn passion, hoist as the battle flags that flutter over their baggage trains the discoveries of Thomas More: humani nihil a me alienum puto: a rational creature, a perfectible being, a most lovable new man, a brain free of base necessities and instincts, simple, sociable, good, who continually advances along the rectilinear paths of order, progress, felicity!: as society and the individual cease to be antagonistic terms and pernicious individualism resolves into one unanimous, majestic social arpeggio: with chaste, wholesome Valkyries working side by side with tractors: the ear of grain that transforms itself into a song, a song that becomes an ear of grain: vast seas of blond wheat rippling in the wind, as though waving in time to a joyful military march!: happy couples of brilliant hydroelectric engineers, or a wife who is the manager of an ultramodern oil refinery and a husband who soars through the vastness of interstellar space, portrayed in the company of countless, eternally smiling progeny, staggered like the steps of a ladder: child after child with eyes opened wide, seemingly dazzled by a shining future, par l’avenir lumineux of a life plan sans bavures, the guarantee in its turn of an existence unmarred by cares and anxieties, where the vices and defects of the previous decadent society will never take root: no one will exploit anyone: love will be equivalent to a freely accepted contract: man will be a peaceful, harmonious, honest creature: the previous separation of the face and the ass abolished, a completed sublimatory process!: individuals without destructive drives, not subject to the tyranny of physiological laws, without spasms of violent erection!: a paradise that forbids duality and rejects dichotomy, snatches the bestial slave out of the dark pit of his activities that require a squatting position, and projects him to sublime heights of saccharine, pure, perfect whiteness: bodies that neither enjoy or are enjoyed, being deprived of the pitch-black hole and its infamous use: in the sweetly sentimental colored postcard of the present-day utopias without asses: a boundless sea of faces that laugh, sing, listen, recite the works of the leader, but neither fuck nor shit, neither couple nor excrete: blind in their inferior and most useful eye: shorn of the radically generic common denominator which makes men equal and denies their false hierarchy: a deceptive, fake eden, whose functioning necessarily presupposes those hidden and shameful holes, like those in Swiss cheese, through which, as in the kitchens and cellars of the middle class, the repressed breaks through and the banished ass takes its vengeance: asylums, cells, tortures, the vehicle of crude impulses which openly, generously find expression in the mephitic expansion of the common sewer ditch and its feverish, labored panting: defecation, sodomy, filth, attributes of the tortuous drain that permits and encourages the sage reconciliation!: not a homo sapiens separated from his dung, ordure, and stinking turds: the face and the ass equals, free and bare, the utopia of a complex world, without asepsis or concealment: a world in which the impudent, brazen curve that proclaims its vile relationship with obscene matter leaps from the old plantation yard to the supreme direction of the sugar factory: a paradise, yours, with an ass and a phallus, where a metaphor language subjects the object to the verb, and at last words, freed from their dungeons and chains, treacherous, elusive words, vibrate, dance, copulate, strip naked, and assume carnal form II without a guide or a tovaritch interpreter, you will enter the Plaza de la Revolución (a physical, physiological, anatomical, functional, circulatory, respiratory, et cetera, revolution, according to the visionary genius interned in the asylum of Rodez), and making your way through the thick, variegated human carpet that covers the vast square (an image captured dozens of times by the harmless camera of the paparazzo), you will approach (as though you were his double) the dais symbolizing the happy lot of those who have now gained their freedom take a good look at them: you will find that you recognize their faces: announcements over the radio, in newspapers, on television have brought them together in front of the improvised podium, and the urgent blare of loudspeakers summons those stragglers who have been dallying in the recreation and copulation centers of the suburbs to a privileged, direct witnessing of the portentous event: the tropical sun beats down on their heads and they shield themselves from it as best they can, with colored handkerchiefs and crude woven palm hats: mingling with them, the females fan themselves with feminine gestures, eternal coquettes despite the dust, the filth, and their now threadbare play clothes: comrades whose function it is to preserve order direct people to the last remaining empty spaces, and volunteer comrades of both sexes carefully inspect the podium decorated with tapestries and rugs where in all probability, when the hour has struck, the executive committee will appear
sALTARÁS al futuro verbal: prescripción, obligación, certidumbre?: modalidad subjetiva en cualquier caso: sin el aval de la tercera persona del aoristo propia de la enunciación histórica y su lustroso barniz de verdad: agregándote de un mero trazo de pluma a esa aunque parva risueña pléyade de soñadores utopistas y aéreos que desde el denigrado Siglo de las Luces intentaron rescatar el país torvo de tus ancestros de su orgullosa sinrazón natural?: a los egregios enciclopedistas, socios de corporaciones ilustradas, promotores del fomento agrícola y fabril, virtuosos ciudadanos útiles a la patria que, según el mastodonte titular de vuestra ortodoxia, creían cándidamente, y con simplicidad columbina, que con sólo repartir cartillas agrarias y fundar sociedades económicas iban a brotar, como por encanto, prados artificiales, manufacturas de algodón y compañías de comercio, trocándose en edenes los desiertos y eriales y reinando por doquiera la abundancia y prosperidad?: ensueños idílicos, ilusiones bucólicas que, extendidas a todos los ramos de la vida social, permitían fantasear exquisitos planes de educación y vida común conforme a modelos de la antigüedad grecorromana, ajenos del todo a la masa ingente y hostil de una nación no sólo ignorante y bruta como pocas sino adiestrada además a chotearse de las primicias de su humanidad filantrópica: aristócratas rústicos, monarcas pastores, sabios experimentadores de abstrusa maquinaria neumática inmortalizados en aguafuertes y lienzos sobre el fondo dichoso y honrado de un ameno paisaje suizo!: utopía tan pronto rota como reconstruida a lo largo de la revolución industrial burguesa mientras en el pétreo y hosco solar se sucedían los cuadros de violencia captados o delirados por el gran sordo en medio de un siniestro esplendor de pólvora y humo, preludio de nuevos y ya inextinguibles incendios: serie tenebrosa de acontecimientos que, desmintiendo toda previsible esperanza, ocasionaron quizás alguna de las crisis de forúnculos que tenazmente aquejaran al espíritu más lúcido de la época: autor, como es sabido, de análisis rigurosamente científicos que, aunque extraños a cualquier veleidad ensoñadora, iban a engendrar no obstante, por pura paradoja, esos grandiosos edificios sociales que la historia nos ofrece de modelo en donde capitanes de opuestos bagajes enarbolan las invenciones de Moro con juvenil, impenitente ardor: humani nihil a me alienum puto: criatura racional, ser perfectible, carísimo hombre nuevo, cerebro privado de bajas necesidades e instintos, sencillo, sociable, bueno, que avanza y avanza por los rectilíneos senderos del orden, el progreso, la felicidad!: cuando sociedad e individuo dejan de ser términos antagónicos y el dañino individualismo se funde en un arpegio social unánime, majestuoso: castas, saludables walkyrias afanándose junto a los tractores: espiga que se transforma en canto, canto que deviene espiga: densa marejada de rubio trigo descrinado por viento, como ondeando a los sones de jubilosa marcha militar!: parejas felices de brillantes ingenieros hidroeléctricos o esposa responsable de modernísimo complejo petroquímico y marido que surca los vastos espacios siderales, retratados en compañía de una prole escalonada y numerosa, siempre sonriente: niños y más niños de ojos grandes y como deslumbrados por un futuro esplendente, par l’avenir lumineux de un proyecto vital sans bavures, garante a su vez de una existencia desembarazada de ansiedades y angustias, donde los vicios y lacras de la anterior sociedad decadente no harán presa jamás: nadie explotará a nadie: amor equivaldrá a contrato libremente asumido: el hombre será un ser pacífico, armonioso, honesto: suprimida la anterior división entre la cara y el culo, proceso sublimatorio completo!: individuos sin pulsiones de destrucción, sin leyes de sumisión fisiológica, sin espasmos de erección violenta!: paraíso que veda la dualidad y rechaza la dicotomía, arrebata al esclavo bestial de la zanja de su actividad acuclillada y lo proyecta a sublimes alturas de blancura sacarina, perfecta: cuerpos ni gozadores ni gozados, privados del negrísimo horado y de su infame uso: en la meliflua postal en color de las presentes utopías sin culo: marea infinita de rostros que ríen, cantan, escuchan, recitan las obras del jefe, pero no joden ni cagan, no empalman, no expelen: ciegos del ojo inferior y más útil: despojados del denominador común, radicalmente genérico, que iguala a los hombres y niega su jerarquía mendaz: edén engañoso, embustero, cuya marcha obligatoriamente supone aquellos ocultos y vergonzosos ojos de queso en que, como en las cocinas y sótanos de la burguesía, lo reprimido estalla y el culo expulsado se venga: asilos, celdas, torturas, vehículo de esas pulsiones groseras que abierta, generosamente se explayan en la mefítica expansión de la zanja y su febril y cuitado jadeo: defecación, sodomía, inmundicia, atributos de la tortuosa alcantarilla que permite y auspicia la sabia reconciliación!: no escindido homo sapiens con su estiércol, porquería y cochambre: cara y culo parejos, libres y descubiertos, utopía de un mundo complejo, sin asepsia ni ocultación: mundo en que la curva descarada, afrentosa, que pregona su vil parentesco con la inmunda materia, brinque de la antigua dotación del ingenio a la suprema dirección del batey: paraíso, el tuyo, con culo y con falo, donde un lenguaje-metáfora subyugue el objeto al verbo y, liberadas de sus mazmorras y grillos, las palabras al fin, las traidoras, esquivas palabras, vibren, dancen, copulen, se encueren y cobren cuerpo II
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