Перевод для "brashness" на испанский
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Hey, Tommy, why so brash?
Oye, Tommy, ¿por qué tanto descaro?
Once you get to know Mike, you know he was a very insecure human being and very insecure fighter, so a lot of that tough guy image and a lot of the talk and the brashness was basically to hide his own insecurities.
Una vez se llega a conocer a Mike, usted sabe que él era un muy inseguro ser humano y muy inseguro luchador, por lo que una gran parte de ese duro imagen tipo y un montón de la charla y el descaro era básicamente para ocultar sus propias inseguridades.
Vic, you haven't changed a bit, just as brash as ever.
Vic, no has cambiado nada. Sigues teniendo el mismo descaro de siempre.
But his shyness drives him... or it becomes a vehicle which leads to a brash boldness.
Pero su timidez lo motiva. De alguna manera se convierte en un vehículo que le transporta hasta el descaro más atrevido.
I used Skull's brashness to my advantage.
Use el descaro de calavera en mi ventaja.
There's a brashness to you that is like a chef with the cockiness and the arrogance.
Hay sin descaro párrafo QueesComouncocineroconla arrogancia y la arrogancia.
They're intimidated by my power, by my brashness, and by the fact that I've been this tall since the third grade.
Se intimidan por mi poder, por mi descaro, y por el hecho que he sido así de alta desde el tercer grado.
Brigid just brings a remarkable quality of brashness, of earthiness.
Brigid sólo trae una calidad notable de descaro, terrosa.
His voice holds neither fear nor brashness.
Su voz no denota miedo ni descaro.
She found the other girl’s brashness sort of refreshing.
El descaro de la chica le resultaba bastante estimulante.
They were as modest now as they had been uninhibited and brash yesterday.
El desenfreno y el descaro del día anterior se había convertido en vergüenza.
Immediately he turned away, as if he shied from his brash speaking.
Se alejó al instante, como para escapar del descaro de sus palabras.
He had acquired a city brashness that went well with his uniform.
Había adquirido un descaro urbano que iba bien con su uniforme.
Kendall had been unable to see beyond the redhead's brashness.
Cuando se conocieron, Kendall había sido incapaz de ver más allá del descaro de la pelirroja.
Something about her showy clothes, her brashness, her mouth bothered him.
Algo en su ropa llamativa, su descaro, su boca, lo molestaban.
As usual, she blamed herself for being callous and misjudging Marshall’s brashness.
Como de costumbre, se culpó a sí misma por ser tan insensible y juzgar de modo erróneo el descaro de Marshall.
‘When I'm old,’ she said in her usual brash tone, ‘I'll write the story of my life.
—Cuando sea vieja —declaró, con su acostumbrado tono de descaro— escribiré la historia de mis andanzas.
And as for Ashraf … Okay,” he said (he was trying to cultivate or encourage a certain brashness in his attitude to women). “Okay.
Y Ashraf… Muy bien —dijo (trataba de cultivar o de fomentar en él cierto descaro con las mujeres)—.
His brashness and assertiveness seemed so out of character for a black man from Mississippi.
Su desenvoltura y su seguridad parecían imposibles en un negro de Mississippi.
But in the rearview mirror since they’d left Watertown, the child’s face was averted, Gallagher could not catch the child’s eye to smile and wink in complicity repeating his brash challenge, “Anybody want to turn back?
Pero en el espejo retrovisor, desde que habían salido de Watertown, Zack apartaba la cara, y Gallagher no lograba encontrarle la mirada para sonreírle y hacerle un guiño cómplice al tiempo que repetía su desafío lleno de desenvoltura: —¿Alguien se quiere volver?
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