Übersetzung für "ulteriormente" auf englisch
Ulteriormente se retiró la propuesta.
The proposal was subsequently withdrawn.
Medidas adoptadas ulteriormente.
95. Subsequent developments.
Ulteriormente se archivó la causa.
This case was subsequently closed.
Ulteriormente y de inmediato, el comandante Reacher golpeó al segundo civil en el rostro con la frente.
Immediately subsequent to that Major Reacher struck the second civilian in the face with his forehead.
Se realizaron simulaciones experimentales para someter a prueba la hipótesis, pero ulteriormente se abandonaron debido a la gran cantidad de errores.
Experimental simulations were carried out to test the hypothesis, but were subsequently abandoned because there were so many errors.
Allí perdió enseguida la fe y ni siquiera cuarenta años de ejemplo de su marido pudieron ulteriormente hacer mella en su agnosticismo.
There she quickly lost her faith, and not even forty years of husbandly example could subsequently dent her agnosticism.
Se recabaron declaraciones juradas de testigos que habían visto a obreros y curiosos pisando el terreno donde ulteriormente el policía Cooper había descubierto las huellas de botas.
Sworn statements had been gathered from witnesses who had seen workmen and sightseers trampling the ground where subsequently PC Cooper had discovered his bootmarks.
En la Universidad Carolina estudió musicología, pero como poeta, erudito, historiador, filósofo de orientación teológica y por sobre todas las cosas novelista, ulteriormente abarcó muchas otras materias.
At Charles University he studied musicology, but as poet, scholar, historian, philosopher with a theological bent, and novelist above all, he subsequently encompassed far more.
Bret Rensselaer estaba sentado en un extremo, haciendo valer su condición de presidente, y Stinnes tomó asiento en el otro extremo, posición enfrentada que Bret ulteriormente pensó que había influido en su fracaso.
Bret Rensselaer sat at one end, and thus established his authority as chairman. Stinnes faced him at the far end, an adversary's positioning that Bret afterwards thought might have contributed to the subsequent fiasco.
El tercer escalón consistió en endurecerse contándoselo todo a la señora Mole, su amiga íntima, que ya lo había adivinado y que ulteriormente, con el razonamiento de que «otras personas» lo hacían, la animó a comprar la gelatina en molde en lugar de poner en práctica sus habilidades.
The third step was to harden herself by telling the fact of the bought mince-pies to her intimate friend Mrs. Mole, who had already guessed it, and who subsequently encouraged herself in buying a mould of jelly, instead of exerting her own skill, by the reflection that "other people"
En la fotografía navideña de la familia Rampike de 1996 —que ulteriormente se imprimió para felicitar la Navidad y después pasaría a ser utilizada por mamá como foto oficial de la familia en sustitución de otra anterior, anticuada, hecha cuando aún no se había coronado a mi hermana como Miss Princesita del Hielo de Nueva Jersey 1996— soy un crío más bien canijo con una sonrisa tan entusiasta que se tiene la sensación de que me la han cortado con un cuchillo.
In the Christmas 1996 photograph of the Rampikes en famille—which was subsequently printed up as a Christmas card and was to be used by Mummy as the Rampikes’ offi cial family photo replacing an earlier, outdated family photo taken before my sister was crowned Little Miss Jersey Ice Princess 1996—I am a runty little kid with a smile so eager it looks as if it had been sliced by a knife.
Ninguno del contingente de cinco bailarines de Pachigam sobrevivió, sucumbiendo a una hemorragia interna no detectada (Himal), una pierna rota no tratada y ulteriormente gangrenada (Gonwati), convulsiones atroces y finalmente fatales producidas por haberles sido inyectados medicamentos en mal estado (Ahmed y Razia Joo) y, en el caso de Sulaiman Joo, meningitis viral aguda contagiada por una niña de siete años que se estaba muriendo en la cama de al lado.
Not one of the Pachigam contingent of five dancers survived, succumbing to an undetected internal hemorrhage (Himal), an untreated and subsequently gangrenous broken leg (Gonwati), horrific and eventually fatal convulsions brought on by being injected with bad medicines (Ahmed and Razia Joo) and, in the case of Sulaiman Joo, acute viral meningitis caught from a seven-year-old girl who happened to be dying in the bed next to him.
En 2001 se redujo ulteriormente, al 2,6%.
It was restricted further to 2.6% in 2001.
- Ampliar ulteriormente las comunidades de prácticas
- Further expand the communities of practice
Esas cuestiones se examinan ulteriormente en la sección 3.
This is discussed further in section 3.
Es necesario estudiar ulteriormente ese complejo problema.
This complex problem needs further research.
La Mesa sugerirá otras medidas ulteriormente.
The Bureau would suggest further action at a later date.
Ese concepto fue refinado ulteriormente en la Cumbre de Helsinki.
This concept was further developed at the Helsinki Summit.
Sin embargo, no se discutió ulteriormente el asunto".
There was, however, no further discussion on the issue".
III. Cuestiones que se examinarán ulteriormente
III. Issues for further consideration
expertos para examinar y elaborar ulteriormente un
to review and further develop draft guidelines for the
Mis esperanzas se desvanecieron ulteriormente.
My hopes slipped even further.
E potrebbe indebolire ulteriormente il suo sistema neuromuscolare.
And it might weaken your neuromuscular system even further.
Gli uomini sul retro si misero a gridare mentre il veicolo si inclinava ulteriormente.
The men in back started to scream as the vehicle tipped further.
–No, señora. Lo cual confirma ulteriormente mi sospecha ¿e que o son figuraciones de Matt o éste se lo inventa para despistarnos.
No, ma'am. Which just further corroborates my suspicion that either Matt imagined it or is making it up, to throw us off track.
El ejército, insitía ulteriormente, «permanecerá incondicionalmente en sus puestos, respondiendo a balas con balas, y a proyectil con proyectil».
The army, he further insisted, ‘will remain staunchly at its post, answering bullet with bullet and shell with shell’.
A peggiorare ulteriormente la situazione, il perenne vento di terra la spingeva sempre più al largo.
To make matters worse - if possible - the eternal off-shore wind was taking her further out to sea.
Preguntado ulteriormente si la magia y la nicromancia pertenecían a la misma categoría, contestó: —Sí, y esto ocurre cuando el espiritismo es usado con fines egoístas.
When further asked whether magic and necromancy did not belong to the same category, he answered, "Yes. That is when Spiritualism is used for selfish ends."
« Ora, comandante, se è così gentile da accompagnarmi fino alla plancia di comando, non la tratterrò ulteriormente. « Con piacere.
“Now, Captain, if you will kindly lead me to your bridge I will not delay you further.” “My pleasure.”
L'ulteriore pressione avrebbe dovuto stringere ulteriormente i dischi frenanti e cambiare il tono dello stridio delle ruote.
The added pressure should have tightened the brake pads further and changed the pitch of the screech coming from the wheels.
—Y puesto que, de todos modos usted no puede alejarse, por si la policía desea interrogarle ulteriormente, no parece que haya ninguna razón para que falte a su promesa.
“And since you must, in any case, hold yourself available for further questioning by the police, there seems no reason why you should break that promise.”
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