Übersetzung für "tentaron" auf englisch
Lo tentaron para luchar por la justicia pero resultó que eran unos gángsters.
They enticed him to fight for justice but it turned out that these were gangsters.
No puedo creer que nos tentaron con un cuarto que podríamos disfrutar. Cuando todo lo que querían era que firmásemos el contrato.
I can't believe you would entice us with a room that we might enjoy when all you wanted was for us to sign the variance.
La llegada de comerciantes y aventureros europeos a comienzos del siglo XIX trajo armas nuevas y artículos de lujo que tentaron a la aristocracia.
The arrival of European traders and beachcombers in the early nineteenth century brought new weaponry and luxury items to tempt the aristocracy.
A mí nunca me tentaron este tipo de cosas.
I was never very tempted by these kind of things.
Incluso aquéllos que tentaron a los Israelitas... para transgredir al Señor?
Even those who tempted the Israelites... to transgress the Lord?
¿Por qué nos tentaron con tanto queso?
Why must you tempt us with your cheesy goodness?
Esta parece la misma manzana con la que tentaron a Eva.
This looks like the same apple that tempted Eve.
Hasta a Jesús lo tentaron con la diversión en el desierto.
Even Jesus Christ was tempted by the funk in the desert.
Me tentaron, me convencieron.
They tempted me, they prevailed.
¿Crees que nunca me tentaron?
You think it's because I wasn't tempted?
- Y a él nunca lo tentaron.
- And he was never tempted.
Ellos tentaron a Reynolds, ya sabes.
They tempted the Reynolds, you know.
Sabemos que fueron ellos los que le tentaron.
We know it is they who tempt him.
—¿Cómo te tentaron para que te unieras a su causa?
“How did he tempt you to his cause, etogaur?”
Los westerns, como es obvio, no tentaron en serio a D.
Westerns obviously did not seriously tempt D.
Luego lo tentaron con mimos y ofreciéndole chucherías;
they tempted him with caresses; they offered him titbits;
No cabe duda que tentaron a los dioses al ponerle un nombre semejante.
Surely they tempted the gods by giving her a name like that!
Me tentaron, Julio, y lo dejé pasar sin contárselo, pero ahora quiero cambiarlo.
I was tempted, Julius, and I let it go too long unreported, but I am changing that now.
En Biancat lo tentaron unos lirios del escaparate, pero recordó su enfado con Paola y pasó de largo.
At Biancat he was tempted by the irises in the window but remembered his anger with Paola and continued past.
Más plantaciones de maíz y casas con techo de paja para almacenar el maíz me tentaron cuando pasé junto a ellas.
More cornfields and thatched houses with corncribs overflowing tempted me as I went by.
Juntos tentaron y convencieron a Eva para que comiera del fruto prohibido, y abrieron las puertas custodiadas del Edén.
Together they tempted and convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, opening the gates guarding Eden.
Parece que a Aulo Albino le tentaron los rumores de que había un gran tesoro oculto en la ciudad númida de Suzul.
It seems Aulus Albinus was tempted by rumors that a huge hoard of treasure was stored in the Numidian town of Suthul.
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