Consideran que la ciencia es un sacrilegio.
They consider science to be sacrilege.
Las distinciones que no se consideran discriminatorias
Distinctions not considered discriminatory
Estados que consideran que la legislación
States considering existing legislation to be sufficient
Que la consideran su lengua materna (%)
Considering this their native language (%)
Consideran lengua materna :
Considering mother tongue to be
(no se consideran funciones básicas)
(not considered core functions)
Además, existen disposiciones que especifican cuáles son los actos que se consideran discriminación directa e indirecta, y cuáles no se consideran discriminación.
Additionally, there are stipulations specifying what is considered direct and indirect discrimination, and what is not considered discrimination.
Consideranos ami-enemigos.
Consider us frenemies.
Lo consideran deshonroso.
They consider it dishonourable.
Me consideran peligroso.
I'm considered dangerous.
se consideran diferentes.
- Consider themselves different.
Los consideran sucios.
They're considered dirty.
- Considéranos al margen.
- Consider us backed off.
Las consideran animalitos.
They consider them animals.
No te consideran una Chen.
You are not considered a Chen.
Lo consideran algo importante.
They consider it big-time.
Nos consideran impuros.
We are considered unclean.
Muchos de ellos lo consideran aburrido.
Many of them consider it boring.
Y ellos no te consideran un amigo.
And they don’t consider you a friend.
—¿No lo consideran… ominoso?
You don't consider it... ominous?
Estas empresas se consideran cursos de perfeccionamiento.
These enterprises are regarded as offering further training courses.
433. Se consideran hijos a cargo:
433. The following are regarded as dependent children:
Algunos lo consideran un problema meramente humanitario.
Some regard it as a purely humanitarian issue.
Actualmente esas impurezas se consideran aquirales.
These impurities are regarded as achiral at present.
La mayoría de ecuatorianos se consideran mestizos.
Most Ecuadorians regarded themselves as mestizos.
Esos delitos se consideran los más graves en Zambia.
These offences are regarded as the most serious crimes in Zambia.
Estas disposiciones no se consideran medidas discriminatorias.
These provisions are not regarded as discriminatory.
Ambos se consideran activos financieros.
Both are regarded as financial assets.
Pregunta qué alumnos no se consideran "ordinarios".
Which pupils were not regarded as "ordinary"?
Contienen "información sobre la gestión y se consideran confidenciales.
They contain management information and are regarded as confidential.
Lo consideran una persona eficaz.
He's well regarded in the highest circles.
"Algunos consideran que la ironía no verbal..."
"Some regard non-echoic irony"
Esos camiones, no consideran a nadie.
These trucks -- they got no regard for anybody.
Sí, muchos lo consideran el primero de la historia.
Yeah, many regard him as history's first.
- Te consideran honrado.
- Regarded as sound.
Me doy perfecta cuenta de cómo me consideran.
I see very well how I am regarded.
Los consideran demasiado riesgosos.
They regard them as too risky.
Sé que muchos me consideran despreciable.
I know that many of you regard me as a degraded woman.
No lo consideran incesto, Larry.
They don,t regard it as incest, Larry.
Pero los tigres no consideran a los elefantes como rivales.
But tigers don't regard elephants as rivals.
Lo consideran normal.
They regard it as normal.
La consideran una Blackthorn.
They regard her as a Blackthorn.
Los consideran un desafío.
They regard him as a challenge.
Porque nos consideran inferiores.
Because they regard us as inferior.
Ustedes las consideran irrelevantes.
You regard them as irrelevant.
—Así que… ¿lo consideran una broma?
So... you regard it as a joke?
Los dos me consideran una traidora.
Both of them regard me as a traitor.
La mayoría se consideran virtuosos.
Most of them regard themselves as virtuosos.
—Algunas personas no lo consideran un mito.
“Some people don’t regard it as a myth.”
Lo consideran un dios, y no sin motivo.
They regard him as a god, and not without cause.
Se consideran las tres hipótesis siguientes:
The following three scenarios are taken into account:
Se consideran tanto los antecedentes de la coordinadora como los de la institución.
- The background of the coordinating body and of the institution is taken into account.
Creo que ellos no consideran los gastos.
I don't think they're taking into account the expense.
Los expertos debaten la autoría del Evangelio de Juan... que algunos consideran el relato de un testigo de la vida de Jesús.
Scholars debate the authorship of the Gospel of John, held by some to be an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus.
Pero seguiremos viables y saludables. Y estos datos no consideran una subida de productividad.
But we'll be viable and healthy and these figures don't take into account a surge in productivity.
No, consideran su opinión a la hora de tomar decisiones, pero surgieron factores importantes en las relaciones con los árabes que usted desconocía cuando tomo su decisión.
They take full account of you when coming to their decision, but events move rapidly. There were important factors in our relationship with the Arabs that were not known to you when you took your view. We couldn't get through to you in time.
Algunos residentes se quejan contra lo que consideran un ataque a las libertades civiles.
Since I'm just as interested in holding Tom Kane accountable for his actions as you are. Some residents are crying foul over what they believe is an attack on civil liberties.
Y me consideran responsable a mí.
And I am held accountable.
Si la consideran responsable, ya puede despedirse de su carrera televisiva, al menos temporalmente.
If she's held accountable, her career will be shot out of the air. At least temporarily.
Los jefes, los que son como Northrop, nos consideran prescindibles debido a que la mayoría somos de clase baja.
The leaders, the ones like Northrop, they see us as expendable on account of us mostly being from the lower classes.
Los padres que aman más a sus hijos los consideran más responsables de sus malas acciones. Parte III
Parents who love their children the most, hold them most accountable for their misconducts. Part III
«Una pequeña sanguijuela en los órganos vitales— / una astilla en el Pulmón— / un tapón despegado de la arteria— / apenas se consideran Males» (565).
“A Small Leech on the Vitals— / The sliver, in the Lung— / The Bung out of an Artery— / Are scarce accounted Harms” (565).
Consideran que un hombre vale tanto como otro, y no aceptarán límites a sus pasiones: es tan fácil inspirarles risa como lágrimas, ira como terror.
They account one man as good as another and will accept no curb on their passions, are moved as easily to laughter as to tears, to wrath as to terror.
Y comen muchos por cierto, pero se los tolera, y los tejedores no los matan: en verdad, consideran que matar murciélagos grises es de muy mal augurio.
They eat many, but are suffered to do so and are not killed by the silk-weavers, who indeed account it a deed of very evil omen to kill the grey-winged bats.
—Significa todo. La historia real se escribe en formas que no se consideran históricas: facturas de vestuario, gastos y cartas personales y libros de cuentas patrimoniales.
It means everything. The real history is written in forms not meant as history. In Wardrobe accounts, in Privy Purse expenses, in personal letters, in estate books.
A estas alturas ya habrá quedado claro que no se me da muy bien lo de contarle a la gente cosas que se consideran con derecho a saber, y en este relato he omitido hasta ahora ciertos detalles sobre el esplendor.
It may be clear by now that I am not always good at telling people things they feel they have a right to know, and in this account thus far I have neglected to mention some details about the brightness.
Psicológicamente, estas víctimas se consideran a sí mismas una carga para sus familias y sus comunidades.
Psychologically, these victims come to think of themselves as burdens upon their families and communities.
Suiza es uno de los países que consideran que estos obstáculos no tienen justificación alguna.
We are one of the countries that think there is no justification for those obstacles.
Teniendo en cuenta la complejidad de los casos y las normas internacionales aplicables, los magistrados consideran que no lo sería.
Given the complexity of the cases and the applicable international norms, the judges think that it is not.
Con todo, también es cierto que algunas familias consideran que las niñas no necesitan educación superior.
However, some families think that for girls no need to have higher education.
Y otros lo consideran un problema de carácter humanitario y de seguridad a la vez.
Others think it is an issue with both a humanitarian and a security bearing.
Otros consideran que esta cuestión da lugar a demasiadas divisiones.
Others think the issue is too divisive.
Muchos hombres y mujeres consideran que el servicio militar es sobre todo cuestión de hombres.
Many men and women think that it is a concern primarily of men.
No demuestran interés por aprender sobre política, que consideran de dominio masculino.
They have no enthusiasm to learn about politics, thinking that it is a male domain.
Muchos padres consideran que no basta la prestación de servicios en centros de día.
Most parents think that the services provided in day-care centres are inadequate.
Todos la consideran genial.
Everybody thinks she's pretty cool.
Considéranos un recurso.
Think of us as a resource.
Considéranos tus niñeras.
Think of us as your 'mo pair
Te consideran un héroe.
They think you're a hero.
Ya me consideran loco.
They already think I'm crazy.
Ellos nos consideran... porquería.
They think we're... we're crud.
Muchos Ia consideran preciosa.
- A lot of people think that.
Efectivo, ¿no consideran?
Effective, don't you think?
- Le consideran un profeta.
- They think he's a kind of prophet.
Me consideran divertido, me consideran atractivo.
They think I’m funny, they think I’m attractive.
—Nos consideran extraños.
"They think we're strange.
Consideran que es indigno de ellos.
They think it beneath them.
Consideran que está quemada.
They think you're blown.
No la consideran moderna.
They think it's not modern."
Consideran que no es democrática.
‘They think it’s undemocratic.’
Los consideran locos.
They think they’re madmen.’
—Todos lo consideran un farol.
“Everyone thinks it’s a bluff.
me consideran un genio.
they think I am a genius.
Las mujeres consideran que los medios son la principal fuente de información sobre la salud.
Women look to the media as primary sources of health information.
Se consideran, como se enuncia en esa parte, la revocación, la modificación, la extinción y la suspensión de los actos unilaterales.
This Part looks at the revocation, modification, extinction and suspension of unilateral acts.
Millones de personas admiran a los deportistas de éxito y los consideran arquetipos sociales.
7. Millions of people look up to successful sportsmen and women as their role models.
Generalmente las necesidades de los niños se consideran desde los puntos de vista de los adultos.
The needs of children are usually looked at from adults’ points of view.
Los pueblos del mundo consideran que las Naciones Unidas son indispensables para el éxito de esos esfuerzos.
The peoples of the world look to the United Nations as the institution indispensable to the success of these efforts.
Millones de personas admiran a los deportistas exitosos y los consideran arquetipos sociales.
Millions of people look up to successful sportsmen and women as their role models.
Los tribunales consideran generalmente todas las circunstancias del caso.
The courts generally look at all the circumstances of the case.
67. Todos los países consideran que las negociaciones sobre los servicios son una oportunidad para promover el crecimiento y el desarrollo.
All countries look at the negotiations on services as an opportunity for growth and development.
Te consideran un fantasma.
They look on you as a ghost.
Las consideran enfermizas».
They look upon it as unhealthy.
Te consideran ya como un dramaturgo de éxito.
They look on you as a successful playwright.
Algunos consideran que es extraordinariamente guapo;
He is thought by some to be exceptionally good-looking;
Los Especialistas lo consideran trabajo de aprendiz.
Specialists look upon it as a boy’s job.
Lo consideran todo desde el punto de vista práctico.
They look at everything from a business viewpoint.
Sabes que los niños la consideran su hogar ¿verdad?
The children look on it as their home, you know.
Los poetas consideran las palabras como símbolos y signos.
Poets look at words for signs and symbols.
pero, por supuesto, los topos y los enanos no lo consideran un trabajo.
but then, of course, Moles and Dwarfs don’t look on it as work.
Los que se consideran aceptables se utilizarán como libros de texto.
Those which are deemed acceptable are to be used as textbooks.
Sus efectos se consideran positivos.
The impact of the circular was deemed to be positive.
Este tipo de castigos no se consideran inhumanos o degradantes.
Such punishment is deemed not to be inhumane or degrading.
Tales procedimientos se consideran inaceptables.
Such practices were deemed unacceptable.
A ese respecto, se consideran necesarios 212 intérpretes;
In this connection, 212 interpreters are deemed necessary;
Se consideran mínimas las posibles liberaciones al medio ambiente.
Environmental release potentials are deemed to be low.
Sin embargo, todos se consideran tailandeses.
However, everyone was deemed to be Thai.
Consideran al vecindario como una zona arruinada.
They're deeming the neighborhood a blighted area.
No debes ir si te consideran... inaceptable para el servicio militar.
You don't have to go if you're deemed unacceptable for military service.
Las autoridades consideran que se puede caminar sobre él.
The authorities have deemed it thick enough to walk on.
Aquél que se aproxima, ¿Lo consideran digno de noble caballería?
He who approaches, deem you him worthy of noble knighthood?
Lo consideran un riesgo innecesario.
They deemed it an unnecessary risk.
Los Oráculos viven donde consideran que es correcto.
Speakers live anywhere they deem right.
Ciegos a las vidas de aquellos que consideran inferiores.
Blind to the lives of those they deem... lesser than their own.
Te consideran una mala influencia.
You're deemed a corrupting influence."
Se consideran maltratados, Richard.
They deem themselves held light, Richard.
Sus miedos justificados se consideran una «paranoia».
Your valid fears are deemed paranoia.
Todos en Italia y en Roma lo consideran una maravilla.
Everyone in Rome and Italia deems him a wonder.
Haciendo cosas que los demás consideran imposibles.
By doing things all others deem impossible.
Son pocos los que consideran mi castillo un lugar atractivo.
Mot many deem my castle so welcoming an environment.
Cuando pueden, y consideran que la acción no dañará la integridad de un pueblo, ayudan.
Where they are able, deeming the action harmless to the integrity of a people, they help.
Los brujos, hechiceros y practicantes de la al-kimia lo consideran un elemento precioso.
The sorcerers and wizards and practitioners of al-kimia deem it a precious element.
60. En esas reglas se consideran los casos en que el bien gravado es corporal.
These rules contemplate the cases where the encumbered asset is tangible property.
Para aquellos de ustedes que consideran la idea de pasar de la seguridad en el empleo a la seguridad financiera, todo lo que yo puedo ofrecer son palabras de aliento.
For those of you contemplating going from job security to financial security, all I can offer you are words of encouragement.
los rostros que consideran;
the faces pondering;
Muchos hombres de letras francesas lo consideran una obra maestra.
Many men of letters in France look upon it as his masterpiece.
hoy en día muchos consideran que Persuasión es su obra más acabada.
to-day many look upon Persuasion as her most finished work.
Desprecian el dominio de sí mismos, que consideran aburrida virtud de los burgueses.
They despise self-control, which they look upon as the dull virtue of the bourgeois.
Señor, ahora que los subastadores se han ido, todos nos consideran una presa fácil.
No, sir, now the auctioneer's men are gone they look upon us as fair game.
Si no se sacrifica uno por los demás, éstos lo consideran un detestable egoísta;
If you don’t deny yourself for others they look upon you as detestably selfish;
Los magistrados consideran que esta disposición es sorprendente.
The judges find this provision very striking.
En resumen, los países beneficiarios consideran que las guías de inversión son eficaces y eficientes.
In all, beneficiary countries judge the Investment Guides as effective and efficient.
Se consideran meros informes y el juez no está obligado a estimarlos fidedignos.
It is only a report and the judge cannot be forced to believe it.
Las mujeres son siempre los que se consideran ... especialmente a las mujeres como yo.
Women are always the ones who are judged... especially women like me.
Los sospechosos se consideran culpables... y lo acompañarán en su viaje eterno.
Then all suspects shall be judged guilty... and shall accompany Charles on his eternal voyage.
¿Consideran al acusado culpable o no culpable?
JUDGE: Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?
Los pah-wraiths te han juzgado y te consideran digna de ellos.
The Pah-wraiths have judged you and found you worthy.
Consideran que soy capaz...
You've judged me capable...
Consideran que soy capaz, y les prometo, que no los defraudaré...
You've judged me capable, and I promise you, I won't let you down...
Pero no a todos los consideran así.
And not all judges, either.
Estoy cansada de que cada una de mis acciones sea juzgada por ignorantes que me consideran incorrecta. —No te he juzgado.
I’m tired of having every single one of my actions judged by ignorant people who then find me wanting.’ ‘I didn’t judge you.’
Te retiran, porque consideran que no puedes lidiar con ello...
They retire you, 'cause they reckon you can't deal with it up top...
Consideran que son súper héroes de verdad.
They reckon they're proper superheroes.
Consideran que ella está encubriendo por los niños.
They reckon she's covering up for her kid.
Algunos consideran que eran hasta uno de cada cinco
Some people reckoned it was as high as one in five.
Consideran que Ruth estará bien.
They reckon Ruth's gonna be OK.
Ellos consideran que estoy demasiado viejo y débil.
Mm, they reckon I'm too old and shaky.
Ha conocido a esta gente y consideran que pueden curarla.
She's met these people and they reckon they can cure her.
¿Consideran que es náufrago?
Castaway, you reckon?
¿Consideran que pueden realmente...
Reckon can you really...
Ellos consideran que maté a un tipo.
They reckon I killed a bloke.
Todos te consideran un botín.
Every man reckons you’re loot.”
Consideran que todo cae bajo mi responsabilidad.
They reckon it’s all my eye.
Todas las personas con las que he hablado sobre este magnate consideran que negociar con él es tan seguro como meterse en un nido de serpientes.
Everyone I asked about this mogul reckons he's about as safe to deal with as a bucket of snakes.
ii) Porcentaje de usuarios que consideran el servicio en general bueno o más que bueno
(ii) Percentage of users rating the service overall as good or better
2002-2003: 36% de los participantes los consideran muy útiles para su labor
2002-2003: 36 per cent of participants rating very useful for their work
Objetivo para 2006-2007: 60% de los participantes los consideran muy útiles para su labor
Target 2006-2007: 60 per cent of participants rating very useful for their work
En este sentido, por ejemplo, los estudiantes universitarios de nuestro país consideran que su desempeño en la mayoría de las tareas supera al 66 por ciento de sus semejantes, mientras que la puntuación al respecto de los estudiantes japoneses se ubica en torno al 50 por ciento.
Accordingly, American college students see themselves as “better” than two-thirds of their fellows in most endeavors, while Japanese students rate themselves exactly in the middle.10
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