Übersetzung für "coagular" auf englisch
Tu palabra es "Coagular"
Your word is "coagulate."
para que la sangre no se coagulara.
To keep the blood from coagulating.
Aplica calor sobre la piel para coagular la sangre y cauterizar la herida.
You heat the skin to coagulate the blood and it cauterises the wound.
Las evaluaciones quedaron atrás así que discúlpame si no puedo coagular contigo.
Test screenings are long behind me. So, sorry if I can't coagulate with you.
Resultando en una deficiencia en la habilidad de su sangre para coagular.
Resulted in a deficiency in her blood's ability to coagulate.
Ahora ha sido aceptado el hecho... de que la sangre normal tarda 9.28 minutos en coagular...
Now it's been accepted into fact that normal blood takes 9.28 minutes to coagulate.
Su sangre no pudo coagular.
His blood was unable to coagulate.
Ella probablemente comenzo a coagular
She's probably already started to coagulate!
La sangre habría necesitado tiempo para coagular antes de que le golpearan el cráneo.
The blood would've needed time to coagulate before his head was smashed in.
Y me gustaría que la sangre de cerdo coagulara un poquito.
And I'd like the pigs' blood to coagulate a little bit.
El gris contribuyó a que coagulara.
The grey helped it coagulate.
Se mueven a medio coagular, una masa turbia de tizones.
They move, half in half out of coagulation, a roiling mass of smuts.
Pero no muchas horas, ya que recién empieza a coagular.
Mais pas à plusieurs heures, car le sang commence tout juste à coaguler.
Era una locura chutarse tan rápido, pero no podía arriesgarse a que se coagulara la sangre.
It was insane to shoot up so quickly, but he couldn’t take the risk of the blood coagulating.
Debería limpiarla antes de que la sangre se coagulara, pero en ese momento se sentía incapaz.
He would have to flush it out before the blood coagulated, but he couldn’t do it straight away.
Tenía unos veinte segundos antes de que la sangre se coagulara y un trombo le parase el corazón.
There was only about twenty seconds before the blood coagulated and then he would be shooting a heart-arresting clot into his bloodstream.
uno lamenta la eyaculación superflua en el segundo verso, introducida en este lugar solamente para coagular la cesura:
one deplores the superfluous ejaculation in the second line introduced there only to coagulate the caesura:
Garris Al­caudón estaba inmóvil en el umbral, con sus apuestas facciones in­movilizadas en una sonrisa que hizo que la sangre de Han se coagulara dentro de sus venas.
Garris Shrike lounged in the doorway, his handsome features set in a smile that made Han’s blood coagulate in his veins.
Si no lo habéis desmontado, limpiado y montado de nuevo antes de que acabe el día, coagularé vuestros cerebros con corriente alterna. ¡Ningún robot se movió!
If you don't have it apart, cleaned, and together again before the day is out, I'll coagulate your brains with alternating current." Not a robot moved!
La cortina de humo sucio que había salido a borbotones de los tubos de todos los hedoinómanos, y que los pasaguas y los binja intentaron disipar, se había vuelto a coagular silenciosamente.
The pall of dirt-colored smoke that had gushed out of all the stink-junkies’ tubes, that the unbrellas and the binja had tried to waft away, had been quietly coagulating again.
-¿Cuanto tiempo necesita para coagular?
Ok, here we go. How long does it take to clot?
Dejó de coagular.
Blood's stopped clotting. She's going into DIC!
Me preocupaba que no coagulara bien.
I was concerned that he might not be clotting properly.
- Ahora... Reza por que comience a coagular.
Now, pray he's started clotting.
Significa que si desarrolló un desorden coagular.
It means he developed a clotting disorder.
Sus plaquetas dejaron de coagular.
Her platelets stopped clotting.
- Empieza a coagular.
And he's starting to clot.
La sangre de Will comienza a coagular.
Oh, Will's blood is starting to clot.
Creo que no coagulará.
I don't think that's gonna clot.
- No debería costarle coagular.
He shouldn't have a clotting problem.
La sangre ya ha empezado a coagular.
The blood has started to clot.
Los desgarros eran profundos y se negaban a coagular.
The rents were deep and refused to clot.
Esta salió sacudiéndose, cubierta de sangre a medio coagular.
It emerged thrashing, covered in half-clotted blood.
Retiró sus dedos pegajosos por la sangre a medio coagular.
His fingers came away sticky with clotting blood.
–¿Tiene alguna idea de qué sustancia puede coagular la sangre de este modo?
Any idea what can clot people this way?
Era como si la presencia del Caos hubiera provocado que la atmósfera se coagulara y se fosilizase.
It was as if the touch of Chaos had caused the atmosphere to clot and fossilise.
Había perdido mucha sangre que recién comenzaba a coagular.
He had bled a lot, and the blood was only just beginning to clot.
Los cortes fueron realizados pre mortem, cuando todavía sangraba y la sangre se empezaba a coagular.
The cuts were done premortem, as they bled and clotted.
La sangre continuaba brotando de las heridas en el pecho, ya fuera porque eran lentas en coagular, o porque no estaban coagulando en absoluto.
Blood continued to run from the wounds on my chest, either because they were slow in clotting or because they weren’t clotting at all.
Cuando las quitaban, dejaban un rastro de sangre que tardaba siglos en coagular.
When they were pulled free, they left a trail of blood that took an age to clot.
Cuando la situación ya era desesperada, Luis descubrió que la batería de su encendedor podía proporcionarles la corriente suficiente para coagular el plástico.
until Louis found that the battery in his lighter would run enough current through the plastic to set it.
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