Übersetzung für "acercando" auf englisch
El rey tocó con la varita un alfiler de plata al borde del mapa y cambió mági camente la escala, acercando la parte visible del mundo al valle del Yaruga y los Cuatro Reinos.
The King touched the wand to the edge of the map and it magically changed scale, bringing closer the visible world of the Yaruga Valley and the four kingdoms.
Báthory se estaba acercando.
Bathory was drawing near.
Se estaba acercando al arroyo.
The stream was drawing near.
El fin se estaba acercando.
The end was drawing near.
–Pero me estoy acercando. Mi puma...
But I am drawing near the fastness. This puma of mine—
Y ya, míster Rose, ya se va acercando la hora.
Rose, the time draws near.
Porque me estaba acercando al borde del acantilado.
Because I was drawing near the edge of the cliff.
Y es posible que ese tiempo se esté acercando al fin.
And it may well be that that time is drawing near at last.
En cambio se iban acercando las cosas habituales.
Instead, customary things were drawing near.
Y, por fin, ella se fue acercando a él, anidando en él.
And at last she began to draw near to him, she nestled to him.
Esa alteración nació de la comprensión de que el fin de la Tierra se estaba acercando.
That disturbance was brought about by the realization that the end of Earth was drawing near.
Acercando sillas, nos sentamos.
Pulling up chairs, we sat.
—preguntó, acercando una silla.
she said, pulling up a chair. “About?”
—Hola —repuso ella, acercando una silla.
she said, pulling up a chair.
—preguntó Chester acercando una silla—.
Chester asked, pulling up a straight chair.
—preguntó Ismay, acercando la otra silla.
Ismay said, pulling up the other chair.
– preguntó Miles, acercando una silla.
Miles asked, pulling up a chair for himself and settling in.
—sugirió Tim, acercando una silla a la cama.
suggested Tim, pulling up a chair to the bed.
Acercando una silla a la mesa, los examinó uno por uno cuidadosamente.
Pulling up a chair to the table, he examined each one carefully.
—Pero quizá hayan tenido sueños —observó Sara acercando una silla.
"But they may have dreamt," said Sara, pulling up a chair.
—preguntó, acercando una silla. Ella negó con la cabeza.
he asked while pulling up a chair. She shook her head.
Ya estaba acercando una mesa.
He was already drawing up a table beside them.
— preguntó Myrna acercando un taburete.
Myrna asked, drawing up a stool.
Gibbs, acercando una silla para el Lord Auditor, asintió.
Gibbs, drawing up a chair for the Lord Auditor, nodded.
–No, no -contestó Décimo Bruto, acercando otra silla-. ¿Un poco de vino?
"No, no," said Decimus Brutus, drawing up a third chair. "A little wine?
—dijo mister Parker Pyne, acercando una silla a la mesa—.
said Mr. Parker Pyne, drawing up a chair to the table.
–Siéntate, siéntate -indicó Brunetti acercando otra silla para sí.
‘Sit down, please,’ Brunetti said, drawing up a second chair for himself.
—¡Ah! —dijo mister Parker Pyne, acercando una silla a la mesa—.
‘Ah!’ said Mr Parker Pyne, drawing up a chair to the table.
—Calma, Tweed —dijo Bellman, acercando una silla y mirándome con tristeza—.
'Steady, Tweed,' said the Bellman, drawing up a chair and looking at me sadly.
otros jóvenes, todos ellos sin pareja, iban acercando sillas a la mesa de los Hussey.
Other young men, though none with girls, were drawing up chairs to the Husseys’ table.
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