Übersetzung für "perversamente" auf englisch
Earle e' perversamente fiero di come riesce a insinuarsi nelle vite innocenti.
Earle takes perverse pride in his ability to insinuate himself into innocent lives.
Ho sempre trovato qualcosa di perversamente erotico negli uomini piccoli e barbuti.
I've always found something perversely erotic about goaty little men.
Doveva sistemarci per il resto della nostra vita, e in modo perversamente legale.
It's our meal ticket. It's supposed to set us up for life, in a perversely legitimate fashion.
Non parlo di quel Gesù dalla pelle giallognola che fu reso la più grande puttana di sempre da una folle società umana che trascina perversamente in giro il suo cadavere su croci ignominiose.
I'm not talking about that Jesus with jaundiced skin who was made the biggest whore ever by an insane human society that perversely drags his cadaver around on infamous crosses.
Ma che puo' rivelarsi perversamente fortunata.
But one that may prove perversely fortunate.
Intendiamo, perversamente dotata.
We mean perversely gifted.
Robert Jones e' accusato poiche', senza alcun timore di Dio nel cuore, bensi' guidato e corrotto per istigazione del demonio, ha crudelmente aggredito, usando la forza, David Jasker, e perversamente, diabolicamente e contro natura,
Robert Jones was indicted for that he, not having the fear of God before his eyes, but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, with force feloniously did make an assault upon one David Jasker, and wickedly, and diabolically, and against the order of nature, had a venereal affair with the said David Jasker.
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