Übersetzung für "compaiono" auf englisch
Compaiono solo in estate.
They only appear in the summer.
Compaiono secondo una sequene'a numerica.
They appear in a numerical sequence.
E sulla base compaiono queste parole...
"And on the pedestal these words appear... "
Come per magia, quando mangi compaiono dei punti.
When you eat, points magically appear.
Compaiono solo mentre hai un attacco.
They only appear when you're having an attack.
Di solito compaiono le parole.
The words usually appear.
Compaiono, poi scompaiono, poi ricompaiono. Queste cappelle...
They kind of appear and then disappear and reappear those caps.
- Che succedera' se compaiono i Cylon?
- What if the Cylons appear? - They won't, not for a while.
Queste guardie compaiono dal nulla.
Those guards appear from nowhere.
"Genio" e "savant". Magari compaiono nei necrologi.
Uh, "genius" and "savant." Maybe they appear
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