Übersetzung für "cominciavano" auf englisch
- Le persone cominciavano a fare domande.
People were starting to ask questions.
Cominciavano a guardarmi strano.
They started looking at me weird.
Cominciavano a venire fuori dallo studio.
The crowds were starting to build outside the studio.
Le persone cominciavano a parlare.
People were starting to talk.
E cominciavano a puzzare.
- Wet! It was starting to smell.
Cominciavano a piangere.
They'd just start to cry.
Ma cominciavano a manifestarsi altri problemi.
But other gremlins were starting to appear.
Le rane cominciavano a saltare e saltare.
The frogs would start to jump, jump.
E tutti cominciavano a tremare
Had folks starting to booger
Cominciavano a capire chi sono io. Perché questo è il grandissimo errore che hanno commesso:
They were beginning to realize who I am, because that is the enormous error they committed:
Proprio mentre i disastri cominciavano.
Just as the disasters were beginning.
La cose cominciavano a cambiare.
And here was the beginning of that changing.
Cominciavano a piacermi le tue cose.
I was beginning to like your things.
Le auto cominciavano a sembrare nuove di fabbrica.
The cars were beginning to look factory-fresh.
Sin dall'inizio, quando i ragazzi cominciavano a litigare, andavo da loro e gli davo gli strumenti opportuni per risolvere le cose.
From the beginning, when the kids would get into an argument, I would get in there and give them the proper tools - to resolve things.
E loro cominciavano a fidarsi di me.
And they were beginning to trust me.
Cominciavano a pensare che non saresti venuta alla tua festa d'addio.
- People are beginning to think you were gonna miss your own going-away party.
Cio' che stava succedendo era che i neoconservatori cominciavano a credere che il loro ideale di liberta' fosse un assoluto.
What was happening was that the neoconservatives were beginning to believe that their ideal of freedom wasn't absolute.
Tante smancerie cominciavano a nausearmi.
Thank goodness, the tea! I'm beginning to feel quite ill with all this bonhomie.
Quando stavamo per entrare in un campo, i cani sentivano il nostro odore per primi. E cominciavano ad abbaiare.
When someone enters a village, the dogs smell it and bark to raise the alarm.
Joan Crawford era disturbata dai cambiamenti di Hollywood e sentiva che cominciavano ad aprirsi in maniera crescente sulla sessualità.
Joan Crawford was disturbed by the changes going on in Hollywood where she felt a new openness about sexuality was running rampant.
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