Übersetzung für "ansimava" auf englisch
Quando le abbiamo allargato le gambe, ansimava e sbavava come un cane, godeva ogni istante!
When we pulled her legs apart, she'd pant and drool like a dog, enjoying every minute of it!
E ansimava, aveva il respiro affannoso.
And he... and he was panting, he was, uh... His breathing was labored.
E posso dire al mondo intero come la vostra regina vergine abbia cospirato con me. Con il suo amante, Dudley, che ansimava nell'ombra.
And I can tell the whole world how your Virgin Queen and I conspired together, with her lover Dudley panting in the wings.
Ricordo come ansimavi dietro la maschera e come il tuo sudore mi gocciolasse sulla pelle.
I remember how you were panting behind your mask, and how your sweat dripped on my skin.
Ansimava mentre spingevo.
He panted... as he drove his... throbbing... into her...
Tu stai mentendo. Eri li' che gemevi e ansimavi.
You lie there moaning and panting.
Dover dire quelle parole mentre lui, sopra di me, ansimava come un cane. "Ti amo, Barone".
Having to say those words, while he panted like a dog on top of me. "I love you, Baron."
Quando ho guardato dietro... lei sanguinava e ansimava.
When I looked back, she was bleeding and gasping.
Ansimavo per respirare.
I was gasping for breath.
Ansimava e si contorceva...
Gasping and convulsing...
Si'. 'Samantha ansimava vogliosa.
Yes. "Samantha gasped with desire."
Ricordo di averti chiesto se stavi bene, visto che ansimavi come un'asmatica.
I remember asking you if you were all right, 'cause you were gasping like an asthmatic.
Ero in prima fila. È stato scortato fuori perché ansimava troppo rumorosamente.
You were escorted out for gasping too loudly.
Ha mangiato un paio di mozziconi di sigaretta da terra, ansimava.
He was coughing the whole way over here. He ate cigarette butts off the ground. He's got a wheeze.
Principalmente ansimavi come se stessi scalando qualcosa seguito da dei suoni metallici, come se smontassi qualcosa, e poi grugniti come se stessi trascinando qualcosa di pesante per qualche chilometro.
It was mostly a lot of wheezing, as if you were climbing something, followed by the sounds of dismantling metal, and then grunting like you were dragging something heavy at least a few miles.
- No, ansimava soltanto.
- No, just wheezing.
Camminava e'oppicando, il suo respiro ansimava.
There was a limp in his walk, a wheezing when he breathed.
E allora con le sue enormi mani, si', enormi fottute mani, comincio' a pigiare e spingere i pilastri. Ansimava, gemeva e spingeva fino a che le fondamenta iniziarono a cedere.
And with his bare hands, with his simple, big, bare fucking hands, he pushed, and he's pushed, pushed and pushed, huffing and puffing, heaving and hoeing, until the very foundations of the house of debauchery
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