Ähnliche Kontextphrasen
Au moment de partir, pendant que je montais sur mon cheval,
When I was leaving, when I was mounting my horse,
Si tu m'avais fait perdre, je te montais !
If you had not won, I would have mounted you!
Je n'y étais pas. Je montais cette sacré étoile sur le triporteur à moteur.
I wasn't at the shelter, I was mounting that star on the motor car
Après 2 jours, tu montais aux murs.
It took you two days and you were climbing the walls.
Arrête ou je dis à ton père que tu montais sur le bateau.
Stop it or I'll tell Daddy you were climbing on his boat.
Alors que je montais les marches-
Then, as I was climbing the steps...
Je montais dans cet arbre.
I used to climb that tree.
Moi, je montais aux arbres.
I used to climb trees.
Tu montais la côte vers une voiture.
You climbed the slope towards the car.
Où est ce sens de l'humour qui t'a guidé quand tu montais l'échelle sociale ?
Where's that sense of humour that carried you through when you were climbing that ladder?
Quand j'étais gosse, je montais sur la branche du noyer,
When I was a small boy, I climbed to the top of a tree and looked into the distance,
Quand je montais, je vous voyais souvent.
Back then, when I was still climbing, I saw you.
- Je montais à cru.
- I was riding bareback.
Je le montais quand je pouvais.
I'd ride him when I could.
Vous savez, je montais autrefois.
Well, I have done some riding in my time, you know.
Cours comme si je te montais !
Run, Carluccio! Run as if I were riding you!
Je montais souvent avant.
I used to ride all the time.
Tu montais tout ce chemin ici ?
Did you ride all the way here?
.. que je montais dans une ambulance!
..riding an ambulance!
Ce matin je montais un oiseau.
I was riding a wombat up till this morning.
Tu sais, tu montais dessus ?
You used to ride on that, remember?
- T'étais où ? - Je montais à cheval avec Grace.
Oh, horseback riding with Grace.
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