Übersetzung für "gasoline" auf englisch
  • for gasoline
for gasoline
Source : Magda Lovei, << Phasing out lead from gasoline: worldwide experience and policy implications >>, in Environment Department Papers, No 40 (Washington, DC, Banque mondiale, 1996), annexe 1.
Source: Magda Lovei, "Phasing out lead from gasoline: worldwide experience and policy implications", in Environment Department Papers, No. 40 (Washington, D.C., World Bank, 1996), annex 1.
Le texte français ne fait état que du carburant pour automobiles (<<essence pour moteurs d'automobiles>>) alors que le texte d'anglais est plus général et parle de <<Motor Spirit, Gasoline or Petrol>>.
The French text refers to automobile fuel only ("essence pour moteurs d'automobile") where the English text is more general and refers to Motor Spirit, Gasoline or Petrol.
<<Gasoline, motor spirit and petrol for use as a fuel in automobiles, or in stationary and other sparkignition engines shall be assigned to this entry regardless of variations in volatility.>>
"Gasoline, motor spirit and petrol for use as a fuel in automobiles, or in stationary and other spark-ignition engines shall be assigned to this entry regardless of variations in volatility."
Dans l'affaire Gasoline de 1996, le Groupe spécial et l'Organe d'appel de l'OMC ont déclaré que l'air pur était une ressource naturelle qui pouvait s'appauvrir.
The WTO Panel and Appellate Body recognized in the Gasoline case of 1996 that clean air was a natural resource that could be depleted.
La Division de la technologie de l'industrie et de l'économie du PNUE a publié récemment avec l'OCDE deux rapports intitulés respectivement "Phasing Lead out of Gasoline" et "Older Gasoline Vehicles".
The UNEP Division for Technology, Industry & Economics has recently published two reports jointly with the OECD on "Phasing Lead out of Gasoline" and "Older Gasoline Vehicles".
Il contient une demande visant à maintenir dans le Recueil des règlements admissibles l'inscription no 2 - Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements; Final Rule.
It contains a request to maintain in the Compendium of Candidates Listing Number 2 - Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements; Final Rule.
Inscription no 2 - Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements; Final Rule.
Listing Number 2 - Tier 2 Motor Vehicle Emissions Standards and Gasoline Sulfur Control Requirements; Final Rule.
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