Übersetzung für "tuskin" auf englisch
Että tuskin toimi.
That hardly functioned.
Ja suloinen? – Tuskin.
And cute? - Hardly.
Tuskin edes ajattelee.
Hardly even thinks.
Anavar tuskin on
Anavar is hardly the
tuskin koskaan onnistun
I hardly ever notice
Läpikäytävää tapulissa tuskin on ollut.
Portraiture hardly existed.
Näitä kuitenkaan tuskin ymmärrettiin.
I have hardly recognised it.
Heillä oli varoja tuskin ollenkaan.
Therefore, he hardly had any enemies.
Sammallumenviipymillä on tuskin ollenkaan putkilokasveja.
Hardly any vape shops have a photo booth.
Sillä on avovettä jäljellä tuskin ollenkaan.
There is hardly any keuper escarpment there at all.
Kampanjan aikana he näkivät tuskin vilaustakaan intiaaneista.
Even with these they could hardly see the roof.
Aikana, jolloin Wilde oli tuskin muuta kuin yksi iskurepliikki.
Early on, Mr. Williams was hardly a striver.
Perhe tuli isän palkalla toimeen vain hädin tuskin.
When his father returns from the war he hardly recognises him.
Tähden aihe on hyvin pieni, tuskin erottuva tähti.
The latter is short wide and hardly differentiated from the aperture.
Nusairi ei pettäisi toista ja tuskin pettäisi epäuskovaistakaan.
One Nosairi would not betray another, and would hardly not betray an unbeliever.
olla tuskin elossa;
to be barely alive;
Katu tuskin kävelemään...
In the street barely walks...
Tuskin kylmä haudassaan
Barely cold in her grave
Tuskin Oikeudellinen kanava (26743)
Barely Legal channel (26743)
Ensiyön oikeutta kuitenkaan tuskin on ollut olemassa.
There have barely been any efforts of restitution.
Lopulta Rydman tuhahti: ”Tuskin on miestä, jolla olisi rohkeutta surmata Bobrikov”.
Humphreys said he had barely resisted the urge to have Kefauver "powdered".
Seuraavien 15 vuoden aikana yritys pystyi töin tuskin maksamaan työntekijöiden palkat.
For years, the works made barely enough money to cover the workmen's wages.
Tähän liittyvät väärennökset tapahtuivat kaikilla tasoilla, mittakaavassa, joka tuskin oli uskottavaa.
The accompanying falsifications took place, and on a barely credible scale, in every sphere.
Seuraavana aamuna herätessään Michael luulee joutuneensa vankilaan, kunnes huomaa voivansa tuskin kävellä.
Rob then awakens the next morning, to realize that he is still alive, but barely.
Balkanilla Itävallan armeija kykeni hädin tuskin pitämään puoliaan osmaneja vastaan.
Earlier, Austrian forces had gone to great lengths and still barely managed to resist the Ottomans in Hungary.
Todellisuudessa silta on kuitenkin niin kapea, että sellainen on tuskin koskaan ollut mahdollista.
However, it was found to be so highly unstable that it was barely controllable.
Zelda ja Scott avioutuivat New Yorkissa 3. huhtikuuta, tuskin viikkoa julkaisun jälkeen.
Barely a week after publication, Zelda and Scott married in New York, on April 3, 1920.
Vaikka maalaus on hädin tuskin aloitettu, sen hyvin erikoinen sommitelma on selvästi nähtävissä.
Although the painting is barely begun, the composition can be seen and is very unusual.
Schuinshoogten taistelussa 8. helmikuuta 1881 brittiläiset joukot hädin tuskin pelastuivat tuholta.
At the battle of Schuinshoogte (also known as Ingogo) on 8 February 1881, another British force barely escaped destruction.
menneisyytensä rajamailla, tuskin läsnäolevana,
past, in scarcely comprehensible presence,
Tietä tuskin nähdä voin.
Scarcely can I see the way.
Saatoin tuskin us
I could scarcely believe that I was alive.
Tuskin Valkohammas tiesi mitä tapahtui.
White Fang scarcely knew what happened.
... hän voisi tuskin työ-tai nukkumaan.
... he could scarcely work or sleep.
olemme tuskin edes alkaneet nähdä mielissämme.
we have scarcely even begun to envisage.
Minä tuskin koskaan ennen katselin sitä.
I scarcely ever looked at it before.
40:24 Tuskin he ovat istutetut, tuskin kylvetyt, tuskin on heidän vartensa juurtunut maahan, niin hän puhaltaa heihin, ja he kuivettuvat; myrsky vie heidät kuin oljenkorret.
40:24 Scarce are they planted, scarce are they sown, scarce hath their stock taken root in the earth; when He bloweth upon them, they wither, and the whirlwind taketh them away as stubble.
Mielikuvitus hädin tuskin pystyy kuvittelemaan kyseistä vääristymää.
A deformation the imagination could scarcely equal.
Ylitettyään virran roomalaissotilaat olivat niin kylmissään, että heillä tuskin pysyi aseet kädessä.
Arrived on the farther side, the Roman soldiers were so chilled that they could scarcely hold their weapons.
Siinä ei ole mitään raikasta; se toimi hänelle, mutta tuskin toimisi kenellekään muulle.
There's nothing light or breezy about it; it worked for him, but it could scarcely work for anyone else.
Muinaiset mustaruskea lammaskoira ja welsh hillman ovat lähes sukupuuttoon kuolleet ja niitä näkee enää nykyisin tuskin koskaan työskentelemässä.
The ancient pure breeds of Black-and-Tan Sheepdog and Welsh Hillman were almost extinct, and were scarcely seen working.
Hän kuitenkin myöntää, että on olemassa hyväksyttäviä nautintoja, jotka ovat maltillisia, rauhallisia, hillittyjä ja tuskin havaittavissa, ja joihin ihminen suhtautuu välinpitämättömästi.
But he admits that there are acceptable pleasures "calm, moderate, almost listless and subdued, and scarcely noticeable" linked to the conduct of the wise person.
Mutta pian koko ilma likaantui, ja vesi myrkyttyi, ja alkoi niin paha rutto, että tuskin yksi tuhannesta kykeni pakenemaan.
But soon the whole air became infected, and the water poisoned, and such a pestilence grew up that scarcely one out of a thousand was able to escape.
Francis Galton kuvaili keskeisen raja-arvolauseen merkitystä seuraavasti: »Tunnen tuskin mitään, mikä siinä määrin olisi omiaan kiehtomaan mielikuvitusta kuin se ihmeellinen kosminen järjestys, jonka "virheen frekvenssin laki" ilmaisee.
Sir Francis Galton described the Central Limit Theorem in this way: I know of scarcely anything so apt to impress the imagination as the wonderful form of cosmic order expressed by the "Law of Frequency of Error".
Grothusen kalpeni. ”Sinulla on hyvät ystävämme turkkilaiset puolellasi”, sanoi kuningas järkyttymättä, ”on tuskin odotettavissa, että voisin voittaa sinut vielä ilman sitäkin, mutta anna minun katsoa, voinko tulla toimeen ilman sitäkin onnetonta sotilasta.
"You have our good friends the Turks with you," said the king unconcerned, "it can scarcely be expected that I should contend against such odds; but let me see if I can dispense with that unlucky pawn.
On siten liian häpeällistä ja turmiollista, ja suuresti vältettävää, että hänen tulisi kuulla kristityn puhuvan niin idioottimaisesti näistä asioista vieläpä yhtäpitävästi kristillisten kirjoitusten kanssa, että hän saattaisi sanoa, että kykenisi hädin tuskin olemaan nauramatta nähdessään kuinka täydellisen väärässä ne ovat.
It is too disgraceful and ruinous, though, and greatly to be avoided, that he should hear a Christian speaking so idiotically on these matters, and as if in accord with Christian writings, that he might say that he could scarcely keep from laughing when he saw how totally in error they are.
Pit'dah (פִּטְדָה = masoreettisessa tekstissä) / Topazios (Septuaginta-käännöksessä) - huolimatta Septuaginta-käännöksen ehdotuksesta, että se oli topaasi, topaasi hädin tuskin tunnettin siihen aikaan, kun 2. Mooseksen kirja kirjoitettiin (sekä perinteisen että kriittisten tutkijoiden ajoituksen mukaan); klassisella ajalla topazios viittasi Topazos-saareen, jolla tiettyä keltaista mineraalia louhittiin (topazios tarkoittaa etsimistä, viitaten vaikeuteen löytää saari).
Pit'dah (פִּטְדָה = in the masoretic text) / Topazios (in the Septuagint) - despite the suggestion of the Septuagint that it was Topaz, Topaz was scarcely known at the time the Book of Exodus was written (according to both the traditional dating of the book and that by critical scholars); in the classical era, topazios referred to Topazos Island on which a particular yellow mineral was mined (topazios means to seek, in reference to the difficulty in finding the island).
Tuskin maltan odo...
I love the little...
Nykyinen yhteiskuntatiede tarjoaa tuskin mitään selitystä.
Contemporary social theory offers little explanation.
Tuskinpa olin oikeastaan ilmoittautunutkaan hänelle ja saanut vastausta.
I was not indisposed to banter him a little.
Tuskin tiesin olisin tavata paras ystäväni ja nyt poikaystävä.
Little did I know I’d meet my best friend and now boyfriend.
Minä arvelin siihen, että sellainen tuskin tyydyttäisi maailmaa.
And I have to answer that I have lived very little in the world.
Nauran kanssanne, kun iloitsette ja itken, kun tunnette tuskaa.
I am with you, little children, and I intercede and pray for you.
Tuskin huomattava rako suurenee, se laajenee laaksoksi; sen ympärillä on vuoria.
It is the spirit-bird, dear little one; it is the token.
On tuskin mitään tutkimuksia vadelmaketoni huolestuttava turvallisuutta sekä tehokkuutta ihmisille.
There are little researches of raspberry ketones concerning safety and also efficiency for people.
Tuskin mestariluokkaa on viimeinenkään, mutta se on vielä kaukana, jossain viikkojen takana.
It was a near match, but it was a little lighter.
Nämä siis tuskin olivat syynä muutokseen.
The Reformation did little to change things.
Tuskin jaksat lukea näin paksua kirjaa.
I think I shall make a dear little book of it.
1800-luvun lopussa koiria tuskin enää tavattiin.
In the 19th century, double eagles were little collected.
Upson tunsi Billy the Kidin, vaikka tuskin kovin läheisesti.
Anubis was aware of Ba'al's treachery, though it was of little concern to him.
Mies katsoo kuolevaa lintua ja luulee sen tuntevan vain selittämätöntä tuskaa.
Spock attempts a mind meld with the creature, but perceives little but intense pain.
Muinaiset egyptiläiset tuskin kuitenkaan tunsivat matemaattista yhteensattumaa piin ja kultaisen leikkauksen välillä.
Indeed, there was little distinction for the Ancient Egyptians between magical and religious practice.
Aluksi tie oli hädin tuskin ajopolku, mutta tie päällystettiin vaiheittain seuraavan kolmenkymmenen vuoden aikana.
At first it was little more than a rough track, but was gradually sealed over the next thirty years.
Space Invaders vangitsi kuitenkin yleisön mielenkiinnon tavalla, jollaista tuskin koskaan on pelien historiassa nähty.
But Transcendentalism was also influenced by western esotericism, a topic which until recently received little attention in the academia.
Joissain elokuvissa musiikkia on tuskin lainkaan, toisissa taas on vain harvoja kohtia missä musiikkia ei olisi taustalla.
However, some films have very little or no music; others may feature a score that plays almost continuously throughout.
Hän kuitenkin toteaa, että ”kirja tuskin täysin aukeaa lukijalle, joka ei ole edes pintapuolisesti tutustunut Lovecraftin tuotantoon”.
However, he adds that "this takes us very little farther, for nobody knows a single fact about St Wendreda."
Hän oli vakavasti sairastunut polioon ja tuskan vahvistamiseksi Erickson alkoi käyttää itsensä hypnoosia.
He was seriously ill with polio, and to reassure the pain, Erickson began to use self-hypnosis.
Dimmesdale on hitaasti yhä huonosti ja joka päivä, ja pitää kätensä hänen sydämensä tuskaa.
Dimmesdale is slowly becoming more ill with each passing day, and holds his hand over his heart in pain.
Kuten monet uhreista, Ellen ole hänen oikea nimensä menettänyt rahaa hän voisi tuskin varaa menettää.
Like many of the victims, Ellen not her real name lost money she could ill afford to lose.
Monista syistä, kuten menneen trauman tai sairauden vuoksi, kehossa oleminen on ennemmin tuskan lähde kuin nautittava kokemus.
For a variety of reasons maybe through past trauma or illness being in a body is a source of pain rather than a joyful experience.
Mitä enemmän, voit harkita kohti kansainvälistä adoptiota valinnan ottaminen siten hyvin erityinen odotuksesta tulee teidän ja huonosti onni lapsen tuska.
What more, you can consider the choice of going for an international adoption, thereby turning yours and an ill-fortunate child's pains into contentment of a very special kind.
Säädösten tarkoituksena on suojella eläimiä kuljetuksessa ja sen yhteydessä vahingoittumiselta ja sairastumiselta sekä kaikelta vältettävissä olevalta kivulta, tuskalta ja kärsimykseltä.
The purpose of the legislation is to protect the animals during transport and from injury and illness and all avoidable pain, agony and suffering in conjunction with the transport.
Pimeys on niin tuskastuttava, että ihmiset pureksivat kielensä rikki tuskissaan.
The second misfortune it should ease was the suffering people endure when they fall ill.
Toisaalta jos yhteiskunnassa aletaan ajatella, että tuska tai huono olo oikeuttavat elämän päättämiseen, se alentaa ihmisten itsemurhakynnystä.
However, it is believed that mental illness or grave fear of suffering diminishes the responsibility of the one completing suicide.
Elokuvan pääosaa esittänyt Richard Farnsworth sairasti syöpää ja pakeni tuskaa pian itsemurhalla.
Richard Farnsworth was terminally ill with metastatic prostate cancer during the shooting of the film, which had spread to his bones and caused the paralysis of his legs as shown in the film.
Se oli hoitajien kannalta masentava asia, sillä sairastuneita ei voitu parantaa, vaan nämä kärsivät kovia tuskia ja lopulta menehtyivät.
For the medical workers this was depressing, as there was no cure for those who were ill with it, and the patients were in great pains before the finally expired.
Nadian kuoltua Blonsky päätti, että Bannerin on kärsittävä sama eron tuska, joten hän myrkytti Bettyn omalla radioaktiivisella verellään ja sai Bannerin uskomaan, että tämän radioaktiivinen veri olisi ollut Bettyn sairauden syynä.
When Rose becomes ill, Tegan donates blood to her through a transfusion, although this worsens Rose's condition and it emerges that Rose is not Tegan's biological daughter.
Homeroksen Iliaan alku ja sen suomennos samassa runomitassa: μῆνιν ἄειδε θεὰ Πηληϊάδεω Ἀχιλῆος οὐλομένην, ἣ μυρί’ Ἀχαιοῖς ἄλγε’ ἔθηκε, πολλὰς δ’ ἰφθίμους ψυχὰς Ἄϊδι προΐαψεν ἡρώων, αὐτοὺς δὲ ἑλώρια τεῦχε κύνεσσιν οἰωνοῖσί τε πᾶσι, Διὸς δ’ ἐτελείετο βουλή, ἐξ οὗ δὴ τὰ πρῶτα διαστήτην ἐρίσαντε Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν καὶ δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς. mēnin a|eide the|a Pē|lēïade|ō Akhi|lēos ūlomenēn, | hē myri’ A|khaiois | alge’ e|thēke, pollas | d’ ifthi|mūs psy|khas Aϊ|di proï|apsen hērō|ōn, au|tūs de he|lōria | teukhe ky|nessin oiō|noisi te |pasi, Di|os d’ ete|leieto | būlē, eks hū | dē ta | prōta di|astē|tēn eri|sante Atreï|dēs te a|naks and|rōn kai | dios A|khilleus.  |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |  Laulaos, | oi runo|tar, viha | Peleun | poian A|khilleun turmio|kas, mi a|khaijeja | löi luke|mattomin | tuskin, monta mi | Hadeen | luo väki|voipaa | sielua | syöksi sankari|en, heist' | itses|tään teki | koirien | riistan, lintujen | eineen | — Zeun sepä | täyttihe | neuvo ja | päätös, kerta kun | ensis|tään sopu|rikkoon | Atreun | poika, miesten | valtias, | riitau|tui sekä | aimo A|khilleus.  |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  |  Vergiliuksen Aeneiksen alku ja sen suomennos samassa runomitassa: Arma vi|rumque ca|no, Tro|iae qui | primus ab | oris Itali|am, fa|to profu|gus, Lavi|niaque | venit litora, | multum il|le et ter|ris iac|tatus et | alto vi supe|rum sae|vae memo|rem Iu|nonis ob | iram; Taistelut | kerron ja | sen, mikä | mies pako|laisena | Troijan mailtaan | Itali|aan tuli | kohtalon | tuomana | ensin, paljon | kärsiä | sai ula|palla ja | maissa, kun | taivas vaati ja | leppymä|tön oli | Junon | kauhea | kiukku.
And by these are meant, not the dead, whose souls are in hell, for to them, there, the Gospel never was, nor never will be preached, nor they saved, as Origen, and his followers, have vainly thought: nor the deceased patriarchs, before the coming of Christ, whose souls, by the Papists, are said to be in "Limbus", whither Christ, they say, went upon his death, and preached to them, and delivered them; but these never were in any such place, but in peace and rest; nor did Christ, in his human soul, descend thither, but went to paradise: nor the dead in general, before the apostle's writing of this epistle; for though the Gospel had been preached from the beginning, from the fall of Adam, to certain persons, and at certain periods of time, yet not to all the individuals of mankind who were then dead, especially in the Gentile world; nor the Old Testament saints in general, who were now dead, though they had the Gospel preached to them in types and figures, in promises and prophesies; nor the men in the times of Noah, to whom the Gospel was preached by him, and who, some of them, as supposed, though they were judged and punished in their bodies in the view of men, being drowned in the waters of the flood, yet repenting and believing, upon Noah's preaching to them, they live in their spirits in eternal life, according to the free mercy and grace of God; but though the Gospel was preached to them, yet they remained disobedient to it, even all of them, but Noah's family, for anything that appears; and are styled the world of the ungodly, and are now spirits in the prison of hell, and therefore cannot be said to live according to God in the Spirit: but such are intended, to whom the Gospel had been preached, and to whom it had been effectual unto salvation; who had received it in the love of it, had sincerely professed it, and had suffered for it even death itself; such are designed who had suffered in the flesh, or were dead in their bodies, (1 Peter 4:1) who either were dead in the Lord, or especially had suffered death for his sake, as Stephen and others: and this, with what follows, is mentioned with a general view to encourage the saints to patient suffering for Christ; to fortify them against the ill opinion and judgment the world have formed of them; and to assure them, that Christ will judge his people, both quick and dead, and avenge their cause, since the Gospel has been preached to one as well as to another, and attended with the same power. that they might be judged according to men in the flesh; meaning, either that such persons that receive and profess the Gospel, and suffer for it, are judged according to the judgment of men that are in the flesh, in an unregenerate estate, that is, carnal men, to be a strange and unaccountable sort of people, as in ( 1 Peter 4:4 ) to receive such a strange set of notions, so strenuously to contend for them, and so constantly to abide by them, and to debar themselves of so many pleasures of life, and expose themselves to so much reproach and shame, to such dangers, and even to death itself: while they are judged to be by these men enthusiasts, madmen and fools; and at other times to be knaves and villains, hypocrites and deceivers; and this is the common effect of the Gospel being preached and coming with power to any; see ( 1 Corinthians 4:3 ) or the sense is, that such persons, according to men, or in their apprehensions, are judged of God, or have the judgments of God inflicted on them in their flesh, in their bodies, for some sins of theirs; and therefore they suffer what they do in the flesh, vengeance pursuing them; being ignorant that when they are judged, as they reckon it, they are only chastened by the Lord in a fatherly way, that they might not be eternally condemned with the world, ( 1 Corinthians 11:32 ) or else to complete the sense, for all may be taken into it, these persons, who were formerly alive, but now dead, and had embraced and professed the Gospel preached to them, were judged and condemned, and put to death in the flesh, according to the will of wicked men, and which was all that they were capable of; but live according to God in the Spirit; Though this was their case, though they were thus judged, censured, and condemned, yet while they were here on earth, the Gospel preached to them had such an effect upon them, as to cause them to live spiritually, to live by faith on Christ, to live a life of holiness from him, and communion with him, and to live according to the will of God, in righteousness and true holiness; and now, though dead in their bodies, they live in their spirits or souls an eternal life of comfort, peace, pleasure, and happiness with God, according to his eternal purpose, unchangeable covenant, promise, grace, and love.
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