Übersetzung für "spuriously" auf spanisch
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Several products are spuriously claimed to be EFPs.
En diferentes casos se pretende falsamente que son inocuos.
"That is very good to know, sir," Ingrey said, in a spuriously tranquil tone, deliberately easing his stance.
—Me complace saberlo, señor —replicó Ingrey con un tono falsamente tranquilo, relajando su postura.
Don Inigo was vexed by the Archbishop’s spuriously friendly, patronizing tone. His touchy sense of pride was offended.
Don Íñigo estaba indignado con el tono falsamente amistoso y paternalista del arzobispo, que ofendía su delicado sentido del orgullo.
“Look,” she said, in the spuriously patient tone of voice that a teacher might take with a child who is not only retarded but whose nose is forever running unattractively.
—Mire —dijo en el tono falsamente paciente del maestro ante un niño que no sólo es retrasado, sino a quien se le caen todo el tiempo los mocos de un modo poco agradable—.
And that is why, when you go back to a familiar city, time undergoes a brief, sudden compression, and what was far away in Madrid the day before yesterday becomes spuriously close in Venice today.
Por eso, cuando uno regresa a una ciudad familiar, se produce una momentánea compresión del tiempo entero, y el que anteayer era lejano en Madrid hoy se hace falsamente cercano en Venecia.
Angelo continued to smile, but now there was an odd gleam in his eyes. But he said in his spuriously sober tone, “Yes, Daddy.” He looked over the lawns, “I guess Petti won’t ever be back.
El niño seguía sonriendo, pero había un extraño brillo en sus ojos. Sin embargo dijo con tono falsamente serio: —Sí, papá. —Miró el césped—. Supongo que «Petti» ya no volverá.
“Don’t give me that one,” he said and his tone of voice was no longer the spuriously jovial one he’d used before but was now rather icy the way a blade is icy if someone presses it against hot skin.
—No me vengas con esas —dijo, y su tono de voz ya no era el falsamente jovial que había empleado antes, sino que ahora era más bien helado, como una cuchilla que se siente helada cuando se la presiona contra la piel caliente—.
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