Übersetzung für "prat" auf spanisch
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Work with that prat?
¿Trabajar con ese imbécil?
~ "Prat" gives it away.
- Lo de "imbécil" te delata.
You're a prat.
Eres un imbécil.
He's just a prat.
Es sólo un imbécil...
I was a prat.
Era un imbécil.
God, you're a prat.
¡Michael! Dios, eres un imbécil.
...a self-absorbed prat.
Un imbécil egocéntrico.
- Shut up, Hubble, you prat.
- Cállate, Hubble, imbécil.
I'm being a prat.
Actúo como un imbécil.
You little prat.
Tú, pequeño imbécil.
“I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a—a—”
—¡Me comporté como un imbécil!
‘Stupid, idiotic prats!’ he growled to himself.
—¡Imbéciles, idiotas estúpidos! —gruñó para sí mismo.
“Thanks for letting me make a complete prat of myself.”
—Gracias por permitirme quedar como una absoluta imbécil.
Honestly?"    "A prat," said Crowley, and he ran into the bookshop.
Sinceramente. —Un imbécil —repuso Crowley, y entró a toda prisa en la tienda.
“Then you’ve seen the amount of candles them prats get through.
—Entonces ha visto la cantidad de velas que esos imbéciles son capaces de consumir.
One minute I was making jokes, the next I was tripping over words like a prat.
Estaba bromeando y de repente empecé a atascarme como un imbécil.
“An ambulance’ll be called for, you little prat, for you if you don’t stop pissing me off.”
—Una ambulancia es lo que te va a hacer falta como no dejes de cabrearme, imbécil.
De la Garza lowered the lid of the toilet seat and placed the packet and the wallet on the cistern behind, but immediately stopped when he realised that the cistern was white, and transferred them instead to the lid, which was made of moulded plastic or something similar, dark blue, polished and smooth, and he knelt down before it, almost resting his buttocks on his heels ('Ah, so now the little prat doesn't mind kneeling down,' I thought bitterly, 'a moment ago, he didn't even want to bend down to tie his own shoelaces and wanted me to tie his knots for him, but he's happy enough to do it now in order to prepare his line of cocaine and sniff it up, well, I hope he steps on his laces afterwards and falls over;
De la Garza bajó la tapa superior del retrete y puso la papelina y la cartera sobre la cisterna a la espalda de aquél, pero se detuvo en seguida, cayó en la cuenta de que era blanca, de modo que las trasladó a la tapa, que era de baquelita o algo similar, azul oscuro, pulida y lisa, y se arrodilló delante, casi apoyando las nalgas sobre los talones ('Ah, no le importa ahora a este macaco', pensé con resquemor; 'hace un momento no quería ni agacharse para atarse los cordones y pretendía que yo le hiciera nudos, y ahora se hinca de rodillas para prepararse y meterse una raya, ojalá se los pise luego y se estrelle;
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