Übersetzung für "hard-face" auf spanisch
Larssen's got a hard face.
Larsseem tiene una cara dura.
A hard face that.
Una cara dura.
You hard-faced bastard. How long have I worked for you?
Eres un bastardo cara dura ¿Cuánto llevo trabajando para ti?
You're a hard-faced bitch.
- Eres una perra cara-dura.
You bloody hard-faced bitch.
¡Perra! Maldita perra cara dura.
The young women, the blonde trick and the hard-faced number stared down at me intently.
Las jovencitas, la rubia y la de cara dura, me miraban atentamente hacia abajo.
He was tall, cadaverous, hard-faced, and his normal expression was one of strong disapproval.
Era alto, cadavérico, de cara dura, y normalmente tenía una expresión de fuerte reprobación.
The dry, rough, hard face pressed against his, blocking his mouth, squeezing his nostrils;
La cara dura, seca y áspera presionó contra la suya, bloqueando su boca, aplastando su nariz;
The hard-faced number who had told me to go into Gorman’s office looked at me with calculating eyes.
La chica de cara dura que me había dicho que entrara a la oficina de Gorman, me miró con ojos calculadores.
Lewis was prowling around at the foot of the stairs, his hands in his trousers pockets, his thin, hard face scowling.
Lewis deambulaba al pie de la escalera, con las manos metidas en los bolsillos y la cara dura y delgada, enfurruñado.
He recalled his father and was moved as he evoked his hard face: the lines like knife wounds, always serious, very dark, the bristly hair and toothless mouth of his progenitor.
Recordó a su padre y se emocionó evocando la cara dura, cuarteada como a chavetazos, siempre seria, muy bruñida, los pelos trinchudos y la boca sin dientes de su progenitor.
I thanked her and edged my way towards the young women, but before I could select a chair the door near the railed-off portion of the office opened and a slim, dark girl with a cold, hard face came out. “Mr. Jackson?” she asked sharply. I moved towards her.
Le agradecí y me encaminé hacia las jovencitas, pero antes de poder elegir un sillón, la puerta cercana a la zona enmarcada por la barandilla se abrió y salió una esbelta morocha de cara dura y fría. —¿Mr. Jackson? —preguntó secamente. Me acerqué a ella.
Her head was bare, and her rough, hard face peered out through long wisps of dense, colorless hair.
Tenía la coronilla calva, y su tosca y dura cara asomaba entre densos jirones de pelo descolorido.
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