Übersetzung für "ex-king" auf spanisch
That was pretty brainy, I suppose, having Gehrig call Ruth "the Ex-King of Swat."
Supongo que fue muy ingenioso hacer que Gehrig llamara a Ruth "el ex-rey del Bate",
- He was there with ex-king Demaratus.
- Estaba allí con el ex rey Demarato.
Well, we seem to have lost ex-king Zog there
Nos informa el ex-rey de Albania.
It's a little number specially written- for the pubescence of ex-king Zog of Albania- and it's entitled "Art Gallery."
Un número escrito para la pubescencia del ex rey Zog de Albania y se titula: "Galería de arte".
Well, it is when you're the ex-King of England and your country's been at war for four years.
Bueno, eso es cuando eres el ex rey de Inglaterra. y tu país ha estado en guerra por cuatro años.
Our friend, the ex-king of Moravia, drove me home. He is now duke of Strelitz. He cannot go to the abbey tomorrow.
Me ha traído el ex rey de Moravia ahora duque de Strelitz.
The ex-king went to Austria, to begin his exile.
El ex Rey fue a Austria para comenzar su exilio.
Our friend, the ex-king of Moravia, drove me home.
Me trajo nuestro amigo, el ex rey de Moravia.
Heavens knows I'm not a snob, but just as a matter of interest I don't mind telling you that on one occasion I had two ex-kings to lunch.
Dios sabe que no soy un esnob, pero sólo como nota curiosa... te diré que en una ocasión, invité a almorzar a dos ex reyes.
I will have you know... that I am distantly related to ex-King Farouk of Egypt.
Quiero que sepa... que soy un familiar lejano del ex rey Farouk de Egipto.
I must go over and say hello to the ex-king of Bulgaria.
Tengo que saludar al ex rey de Bulgaria.
‘Use them against the Duke and Duchess?’ I asked, interrupting him. ‘Against an ex-King?
—¿Uso contra los propios Duques? —lo interrumpí—. ¿Contra un ex-Rey?
If, however, the ex-King needed anything, he could call from his window.
Pero si el ex Rey necesitaba algo, podía llamarlo por la ventana.
Well, it must have been tough for them, choosing between the king and the ex-king.
Bien, debía haber sido duro para ellos, elegir entre el rey y el ex rey.
One hundred clowns are packed in Onhava jail, and the ex-King should be among them.
Hay un centenar de payasos metidos en la cárcel de Onhava y el ex Rey debe de estar entre ellos.
The tawny hair, broad shoulders, and oval face were those of John Lackland, ex-King of England, Lord of Ireland, etc., etc.
El pelo leonado, los anchos hombros, y el rostro ovalado eran los de Juan Sin Tierra, ex rey de Inglaterra, Señor de Irlanda, etc. etc.
I was wrong. Kings and even ex-kings may have vast power over this and that, but when it comes to matters of protocol the bureaucrats always get the last word.
Estaba equivocado. Los reyes e incluso los ex reyes poseen un enorme poder sobre esto y aquello, pero cuando llegamos a asuntos de protocolo los burócratas tienen siempre la última palabra.
A peroxide blonde of the type supposedly preferred by ex–King Farouk of Egypt, about whom my father had spoken so often and whose hand he claimed to have kissed.
Una rubia oxigenada como debían de gustarle al ex rey Faruk de Egipto, del que me había hablado tantas veces mi padre y cuya mano aseguraba haber besado.
Pierre Larue left the ex-king of Bulgaria standing where he was and, driven      by his inquisitiveness like a feather before the wind, trotted across the room to witness this sensational encounter as closely as possible.
Pierre Larue dejó plantado al ex rey de Bulgaria y atravesó la sala —su propia curiosidad lo movía como una hoja flota en el viento—, para ver de cerca tan sensacional encuentro.
The Rom saw their king-or their ex-king, whichever I was-coming to town unexpectedly and they felt it absolutely incumbent upon themselves to cry hallelujah over me so that I would be properly covered with the appropriate glory.
Los roms vieron a su rey —o mejor dicho a su ex rey— llegar inesperadamente a la ciudad, y se sintieron absolutamente obligados a gritar aleluya sobre mí a fin de que pudiera verme cubierto de la apropiada gloria.
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