Übersetzung für "co-religionists" auf spanisch
Only a co-religionist would help him.
Solamente sus correligionarios pudieron ayudarla.
I cannot forget what they did to my family or to our co-religionists.
No puedo olvidar lo que le hicieron a mi familia o a nuestros correligionarios.
The Alabarch was answerable to the Governor of Egypt for, the good behaviour of his co-religionists.
El alabarca era responsable ante el gobernador de Egipto por la buena conducta de sus correligionarios.
the other the Apostle Peter, who was leaving Rome and his martyred co-religionists.
el otro, el apóstol Pedro, que abandonaba Roma y a los correligionarios que allí martirizaban.
He knew Arabic but he did not think like his Arab co-religionists.
Sabía dicho idioma pero no pensaba como sus correligionarios árabes.
He came up to his Sikh colleague surrounded by his bewildered co-religionists.
Se acercó a su colega sij rodeado de sus confusos correligionarios.
They had been sent to war against their Muslim co-religionists and had decided that they would not fight them.
Habían sido enviados a la guerra contra sus correligionarios musulmanes y habían decidido que no lucharían contra ellos.
A few of his co-religionists had come to the Maidan, and were praying with their faces towards Mecca.
Unos cuantos correligionarios de Aziz se habían presentado en el Maidan y rezaban con el rostro vuelto hacia La Meca.
But race notwithstanding, he simply was not a good writer, and, in fact, something of an embarrassment to his co-religionists.
Pero aparte de su raza, la cuestión era que no se trataba de un buen escritor y, de hecho, resultaba un poco embarazoso para sus correligionarios.
It is a bad time for Daniel and his co-religionists, for they are second-class citizens, in a distinctly hostile environment.
Es una mala época para Daniel y sus correligionarios, pues son ciudadanos de segunda clase en un entorno claramente hostil.
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