Übersetzung für "crumbs" auf italienisch
Ähnliche Kontextphrasen
- Are these crumbs?
Sono briciole queste?
Like, crumbs? No.
- Vorrai dire le briciole.
Oh, more crumbs.
- Oh, altre briciole!
The crumbs, there's five crumbs there.
Le briciole, ci sono cinque briciole lì.
- Not a crumb, not a whiff of a crumb.
- Neanche una briciola, neanche l'ombra di una briciola.
Honey... the crumbs.
Tesoro... le briciole.
- They get crumbs.
- Avranno le briciole.
- Not a crumb.
- Neanche una briciola.
Eat some crumbs.
Mangia qualche briciola.
No crumbs, Charlie.
Niente briciole, Charlie.
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