Übersetzung für "constantly" auf französisch
Such topics are constantly offered to students.
Ces matières sont constamment offertes aux étudiants.
The nature of such assistance is constantly evolving.
La nature de cette assistance évolue constamment.
Reality is changing constantly.
La réalité change constamment.
The website is constantly updated.
Le site est constamment mis à jour.
Technology is constantly developing.
La technologie évolue constamment.
It is being constantly improved.
Ce réseau est constamment amélioré.
To constantly work and constantly consume.
Travailler constamment et consommer constamment.
It's constantly at work, constantly shaping the land.
Constament au boulot, Constament remodelant le paysage.
You work constantly.
Tu travailles constamment.
You're constantly calling.
Tu appelles constamment.
It happens constantly.
Cela arrive constamment.
Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding... constantly... Just beautiful!
Constamment envahie, constamment inondée, constamment magnifique, c'est tout !
They shift constantly.
Elles changent constamment.
I urinate constantly.
J'urine constamment.
Our civil society is constantly developing.
Notre société civile se développe sans cesse.
Its scope is expanding constantly.
Le volume d’information qu’elle contient ne cesse d’augmenter.
The system of vaccination is constantly improved.
507. Le systčme de vaccination ne cesse de s'améliorer.
The range of activities offered is constantly expanding.
La palette des activités offertes s'élargit sans cesse.
The number of homeless children is constantly increasing.
Le nombre d'enfants sans abri ne cesse d'augmenter.
Cybercrime is constantly changing.
38. La cybercriminalité ne cesse de changer.
Our global partnership is constantly evolving.
Notre partenariat mondial ne cesse d'évoluer.
And its agenda is constantly growing.
Et son ordre du jour ne cesse de s'accroître.
It is now constantly diminishing.
Cette pratique ne cesse d'ailleurs de reculer.
7. The past constantly informs the present.
Le passé ne cesse d'éclairer le présent.
Safety of peacekeepers has been constantly the focus of Ukraine's attention.
La sécurité du personnel chargé du maintien de la paix a toujours constitué une priorité pour l'Ukraine.
In reality, the statistics are even higher, as this procedure is constantly underreported and misclassified.
En réalité, les statistiques sont encore plus élevées, car cette procédure est toujours sous-évaluée et mal répertoriée.
His wife has constantly been denied access to him by security officials.
Les membres des forces de sécurité ont toujours interdit toute visite de son épouse.
The demand from external and internal users has remained constantly high.
La demande interne et externe en a toujours été élevée.
As has been constantly emphasized, disarmament is a process.
Comme on l'a toujours souligné, le désarmement est un processus.
Armenia had constantly pursued a policy of full integration of refugees.
L'Arménie a toujours eu pour principe d'assurer la pleine intégration des réfugiés.
88. Since its inception, United Nations peacekeeping has been constantly evolving.
Les opérations de maintien de la paix ont toujours été en constante évolution.
constantly astounds me.
m'étonne toujours.
It's constantly erupting.
Toujours en éruption.
A spark constantly fusing
Qui semble durer toujours
You talk back constantly
Toujours des phrases négatives...
You constantly do this.
Toujours la même histoire.
There's constantly...
Il y a toujours...
Constantly, my dear.
Je le suis toujours, ma chère.
He's constantly overlooked!
On l'oubli toujours !
You constantly amaze me.
Tu me surprendras toujours.
Constantly being criticised.
Être toujours critiqué.
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