Translation for "ésa" to english
Translation examples
Ésa... ésa es la pregunta.
That's... That's the question.
- Ésa... ¿ésa es tu hija?
- Is that... That's your daughter?
- Ésa es familia y ésa es legal.
- That's family. That's legal.
Ésa... ésa es la voz.
That-That's the voice.
Pero ésa... Ésa no es María.
But that's- that's not maria.
- Abre ésa y ésa.
That one and that one.
Ésa es, ésa es, Ozzy.
That's it,that's.
¿Ésa es… ésa era Bertha Jorkins?
Is that — was that Bertha Jorkins?
Ésaésa podría haber sido yo.
Thatthat could have been me.
—Oh, ésa —dijo—. Pero ésa no es muy...
“Oh, that one,” he said. “But that one’s not very—”
Ésa no era una de ellas.
That was not one of them.
Ésa fue una de las razones que esgrimieron los combatientes lendus para justificar la masacre de civiles sospechosos de portar armas.
This was one of the reasons given by Lendu combatants to justify the massacre of civilians suspected of carrying weapons.
Anteriormente muchas otras solicitudes se habían admitido a pesar de estar mucho menos fundamentadas que ésa.
There were many admitted previously with far less merit than the present one.
Ésa es una de ellas.
This is one of them.
Ésa fue una de ellas.
This was one of those times.
—Sí, y de ésa también.
“Yes, and that one too.”
—¿Y qué hay con ésa?
What about this one?
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