Translation for "yo representaba" to english
Yo representaba
Translation examples
Yo representaba al vendedor.
Uh, I represented the seller.
Usted sabe, yo representaba Vicente durante 30 años.
You know, I represented Vincent for 30 years.
Pero yo representaba al amor, y no soy la que está aplastada ahora mismo bajo una roca.
But I represented love, and I am not the one smashed under a rock right now.
Porque yo representaba tipos como Sterling.
Because I represented guys like Sterling.
Y les dije que yo representaba... a todos los vasallos.
And told them I represent... all the vassals.
Yo representaba a Retro Girl.
I represented Retro Girl.
Yo representaba a un país que por trato era considerado país vencido que por mucho, debía rendir un armisticio, un armisticio pesado, que demandaba cada día una interpretación no fiscal de este armisticio, pero que me ponía en condiciones nada fáciles
Remember, I represented a nation which had been conquered which had to keep an armistice...a heavy armistice which demanded, daily, a non-fiscal interpretation. It put me in a difficult position with respect to those Allies.
No, lo que temían era el cambio que yo representaba.
Nay, they feared the change that I represented.
Yo representaba a la empresa Electrónica Belden.
I represented the corporation Belden Electronics.
Pero yo representaba más que sangre impura para ellos.
But I represented more than tainted blood to them.
¿Quería sajar el absceso que yo representaba?
Did he wish to lance the ulcer that I represented?
Yo representaba a Delavane -dijo rápidamente Halliday-.
"I represented Delavane," said Halliday quickly.
Tenía miedo de lo que creía que yo representaba: de Génesis.
He was scared of what he thought I represented: Genesis.
Así que ahora se trataba de criptomnesia, y yo representaba a Broun.
So now it was cryptomnesia, and I represented Broun.
Sabía que no me tenía un odio personal, sino que le dolía lo que yo representaba.
I knew it was not just me personally she hated, but what I represented.
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