Translation for "votaron" to english
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Número de miembros que votaron:
Number of members voting:
Los miembros de la oposición votaron contra el proyecto de ley, y los partidarios del Gobierno votaron a favor.
The members of the Opposition voted against the bill, and the supporters of the Government voted for it.
% de mujeres que votaron
Women who voted (%)
Miembros que votaron 95
Members voting: 95
Los párrafos se votaron uno por uno.
There was a paragraph-by-paragraph vote.
Tres no votaron
¡Votaron a Saxon!
You voted Saxon!
- Aún no votaron.
They haven't voted.
Votaron para que?
They voted for that?
Votaron por Bush.
They voted for Bush!
Ellos votaron cm
They voted you in.
Pero ellos votaron.
But they voted.
Estos chicos votaron.
These guys voted.
¿Por quién votaron?
Who'd you vote for?
¿Votaron los chicos?
Did the men vote?
dos votaron "inocente" y diez votaron "culpable".
two "not guilty" votes and ten "guilty" votes.
—¿Votaron en contra?
“Did they vote against it?”
Me votaron a mí para que fuera.
I was voted the one to go.
Los arcángeles, ¿votaron?
Did the archangels vote?
Todos los demás votaron por mí.
All the rest voted for me.
—Otras votaron lo mismo que yo.
“Others voted the same as I.”
Todos votaron por la gaseosa.
Everyone voted for ginger-beer.
Posteriormente, el 29 de julio, se celebraron elecciones indirectas al Senado, en las que votaron los 3.225 consejeros comunales recién elegidos.
7. Subsequently, indirect Senate elections were held on 29 July, in which ballots were cast by the 3,225 newly elected communal councillors.
En los únicos lugares donde votaron a cualquiera fueron aquellos en los que se cuentan las boletas.
The only polls that elected anybody were the ones where they count ballots.
En esas elecciones votaron 400 personas.
About 400 ballots were cast in that election.
Los miembros del legislativo se reunieron y votaron.
The legislatures met, the ballots were cast.
No son mis sentimientos, sino los sentimientos de mujeres y hombres, sus superiores que votaron y decretaron que Ud. Es un negligente que es culpable y que no le darán el empleo permanente. Que lo deben disciplinar.
It is not my feelings... but the feelings of women and men, your superiors... who have been polled... and have ruled that you are negligent... that you are guilty and are not to be given tenure... that you are to be disciplined.
Aproximadamente 23 millones de personas votaron hoy.
An estimated 23 million people went to the polls today.
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