Similar context phrases
Translation examples
– Nos volcamos a los dos minutos, mi teniente -dijo el sargento Delgado-.
“We’d tip over in the first two minutes, Lieutenant,” Sergeant Delgado said.
—Si volcamos —dijo Musa, con la voz entrecortada por el movimiento—, tendremos problemas para salir de aquí sin ayuda.
“If we tip over,” Musa said, his voice made uneven by the jarring, “we could have trouble extricating ourselves.”
Volcamos nuestro pipanto en la orilla y lo apuntalamos.
We turned over our pi-panto on the shore and propped it up with poles.
Primero casi volcamos, después se le atascó una rueda y tuve que bajarme a empujar mientras el cochero azotaba al caballo.
First we almost turned over, then one of the wheels got stuck and I had to get out and push while the driver whipped the horse.
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