Translation for "visto a través del telescopio" to english
Visto a través del telescopio
  • seen through the telescope
Translation examples
seen through the telescope
Y lo cierto es que los objetos vistos a través del telescopio habían perdido encanto para él desde sus visitas prolépticas a Júpiter.
And really, the objects seen through the telescope had been disenchanted for him by all that he had seen in his proleptic visitations to Jupiter.
Barras de metal, un gran cilindro plano a modo de carrete de bobina…; eran las piezas de lo que habían visto a través del telescopio de la «Aguja», y el andamiaje para volver a montar los reactores de posición del Mundo Anillo.
Bars of metal, a great spool-shaped cylinder—those were the dismantled components of what he had seen through Needle’s telescope. That was the scaffolding for remounting the Ringworld’s attitude jets.
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