Translation for "vino y carne" to english
Vino y carne
Translation examples
Toma, Lázaro, ve, y con este real compra pan, vino y carne, y alégrate, he alquilado otra casa, y en esta triste y oscura sólo estaremos lo que queda de mes.
Here, Lazarus, go, and with this coin buy bread, wine and meat, and be glad, I've rented another house, and in this sad and dark one we will only be what is left of the month.
Sólo vino y carne, si estáis harto de ambos os prepararé un poco de pescado.
Just wine and meat, if you're fed up with that We'll prepare fish for you
Los asesinos de Wei antes de salir... tienen buen vino y carne para comer.
The assassins of Wei before heading out Must have good wine and meat to dine on
Las tropas y sus acompañantes habían recibido regalos del rey, en forma de vino y carne, en honor a Bisesa.
The troops and their followers had been given gifts of wine and meat by the King in Bisesa’s honor.
Me senté fuera y me sirvieron vino y carne; no hablé con persona alguna, aunque en la mesa próxima había una alegre reunión.
I sat outside and was served wine and meat, speaking to no one, although there was a cheerful meeting of fellows at the next table.
Para aquéllos que vivían en la torre, se había enviado con antelación suficiente vino y carne para que el banquete se extendiera por todo el pilar.
For those who lived upon the tower, enough wine and meat had been sent up earlier to allow a feast to extend up the entire pillar.
No podía gastar el oro y tenía que comer, así que le dijeron que acudiese a la iglesia en el palacio Laterano, en el que se distribuía diariamente pan, vino y carne a los pobres.
She couldn’t spend the gold and she had to eat, so they told her to apply to the church at the Lateran Palace where daily bread, wine, and meat were distributed to the poor.
Uno sostenía pan, y el otro, cuya figura aparecía cortada por la puerta practicada en el muro, ese otro ángel cuyas puntas de las alas apenas eran visibles, portaba vino y carne.
One held bread for him, and the other, whose figure was cut off by the door that was cut into the wall, this other angel, whose wingtips were barely visible, carried wine and meat.
Cuando vio a sus parientes se levantó prestamente y gritó a los soldados que le servían que trajesen vino y carnes; entonces ambos hermanos se saludaron, y Wang el Segundo ordenó a los muchachos que hicieran lo mismo, y todos se sentaron en conformidad con su rango, Wang el Segundo en el sitio principal, después Wang el Tigre y los dos muchachos en seguida.
When he saw these relatives of his come in he rose quickly and shouted to the soldiers who served him to bring wine and meats and he bowed to his brother, and Wang the Second bowed also, and bade the two lads bow, and they all seated themselves according to rank, Wang the Second in the highest seat and then Wang the Tiger, and the two lads in side seats below them.
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