Translation for "victoria consecutiva" to english
Victoria consecutiva
  • consecutive victory
  • straight win
Translation examples
consecutive victory
La barba mágica conquista en Pisa su 3ª victoria consecutiva
The MAGIC BEARD conquers in Pisa. His third consecutive victory.
Damas y caballeros, en honor a su retiro luego de 17 victorias consecutivas, por la presente dedico esta estatua a la mejor luchadora de Quahog,
Ladies and gentlemen, in honor of her retirement after seventeen consecutive victories, I hereby dedicate this statue to Quahog's greatest fighter,
Si alguien fuera a comprar a un abogado de éxito como tú un pastel para celebrar su victoria consecutiva número 30, ¿qué tipo de pastel querrías que fuera?
If someone were to get a very successful lawyer such as yourself a cake to celebrate his 30th consecutive victory, what kind of cake would you want that to be?
Seis victorias consecutivas para un potrillo desconocido muy cerca del récord.
That makes six consecutive victories for this little colt from nowhere, one shy of the record.
Empezó con una victoria sorpresiva sobre Clovis High pero victorias consecutivas sobre Yosemite y Morro Bay hacen que la comunidad atlética y todos los demás se pregunten ¿de dónde salieron estos corredores de McFarland?
"It started with a stunning upset, beating Clovis High, "but then consecutive victories over Yosemite and Morro Bay "left the racing community and everyone else asking the question,
El 10 de septiembre ganaron a St Louis por vigesimoprimera vez seguida: el récord de victorias consecutivas de un equipo sobre otro en la misma temporada.
On 10 September, they beat St Louis for the twenty-first time in a row – the most consecutive victories by one team over another during a single season.
straight win
Nadie dentro de 60 yardas como Pre gana su 21 victoria consecutiva.
No one within 60 yards as Pre wins his 21st straight win.
(Locutor) Que es de 3 victorias consecutivas para Monterrey.
(announcer) That's 3 straight wins for Monterrey.
Seis victorias consecutivas y muchos minutos de castigo.
That was some road trip. Six straight wins and a whole new rash of penalty minutes.
Voy por mi cuarta victoria consecutiva.
I'm going for my fourth straight win.
Y Darrah consiguió retener el batido de marisco, dándole a Morgan su tercera victoria consecutiva.
...and Darrah kept the seafood smoothie down, leading Morgan to their third straight win.
- Ocho victorias consecutivas en una fila.
- Eight straight wins in a row.
Aitu, felicidades por su cuarta victoria consecutiva.
Van camino a la octava victoria consecutiva.
Well on their way to their eighth straight win.
Ésta sería su quinta victoria consecutiva.
This would be his fifth straight win.
El periódico decía que los Senators habían ganado cinco a tres a los Pirates, dando un verdadero espectáculo, con lo que habían conseguido su décima victoria consecutiva en la liga nacional.
Paper said the Senators had beat the Pirates, five to three, in an exhibition, which made ten straight wins over National League teams.
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