Translation for "vestida de manera" to english
Vestida de manera
Translation examples
dressed so
Con una mano desabrochó los botones de su vestido de manera que le cayese por completo.
With one hand he loosened the fastening of her dress so that it fell from her.
Según Becky, ayer era su día libre y por eso iba vestido de manera informal.
According to Becky, yesterday was supposed to be his day off, which is why he was dressed so casually.
Por tercera vez los hombres se adelantaron y le quitaron el vestido, de manera que se quedó sólo en ropa interior.
For a third time the men stepped forward. They removed her dress, so that she was wearing only the least of undergarments.
Nunca la había visto vestida de manera tan formal, tan rígida, todo sujeto y prendido con alfileres, y me senté a contemplarla con aire insolente y, quizá también, de ilusoria posesión.
I had not seen her dressed so formally before, so rigidly, all interestingly pinned and pent, and I sat surveying her with an impudent and, it might almost be, an uxorial sense of possession.
La rusa le dijo que todas sus compatriotas iban sucias y desastradas y no podía soportar la idea de ser la única en ir bien vestida, de manera que los había invitado a todos a una gran comida en la Tour d'Argent y después anduvieron de boite en boite hasta haber gastado el último céntimo.
The Russian rather shame-facedly told her that every one of her friends was poor and shabby, and she couldn’t bear the idea of being the only one among them who was well dressed, so she had invited them all to a grand dinner at the Tour d’Argent and after that they’d gone to boîte after boîte till every penny was spent.
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