Translation for "vengarlas" to english
Translation examples
Enterrar a los muertos y vengarlos.
Bury the dead and avenge them.
Debo vengarles, para aplacarles —apretó el puño—.
I must avenge them, to placate them.
Ahora dependía de Padmé vengarlas a ambas.
Now it was up to Padmé to avenge them both.
Solamente yo, Muratomo no Yukio, he sobrevivido para vengarles.
I alone, Muratomo no Yukio, survive to avenge them.
¡Y no poder vengarlos! —¿Qué sabe usted?
- And not being able to avenge them! - What do you know about it?
No podemos salvar esas ciudades, sólo vengarlas.
We cannot save those cities, only avenge them.
Bruglir y Tanithra tenían a toda la tripulación de la flota para vengarlos.
Bruglir and Tanithra had a fleet of ships and men to avenge them.
Pero si los lyucu le han matado a él y a su padre, aquí estoy para vengarlos.
“But if the Lyucu have already killed him and his father, then I’m here to avenge them.
-Mi maestro y su mujer están muertos y tengo que vengarlos Lovelace tiene que pagar por lo que ha hecho.
“My master and his wife are dead. I must avenge them. Lovelace must pay for what he did.”
–Y nosotros tenemos derecho a vengarlos -insistí, pero no creo que Arturo estuviera completamente de acuerdo conmigo.
‘And we have a right to avenge them,’ I insisted, but I am not sure Arthur entirely agreed with me.
Alguien debería vengarle.
Someone should avenge him.
Vivir para vengarle.
To live to avenge him.
¡Iré a vengarle!
I'll avenge him!
Pero puedes vengarlo.
But you can avenge him.
Vine para vengarla.
I came to avenge her.
Podemos vengarlo juntos.
We can avenge him together.
Tienes que vengarle.
You must avenge him.
Yo debo vengarle
I must avenge him.
Había que vengarlo.
They had to avenge him.
Acaso para vengarla.
It may be to avenge her.
Utilízala para vengarlo.
Use it to avenge him.
Sí, vas a vengarla».
No, I will avenge her.
Ella quiso vengarlo.
She wanted to avenge him.
—Y tú quieres vengarle.
“And you want to avenge him.”
Por eso quieres vengarla.
So you want to avenge her.
Tenía que encontrar a Tincheron o vengarlo.
Tincheron would be found, or avenged.
Vive para vengarlo, Cayo.
Live to avenge him, Gaius.
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