Translation for "usar zapatos" to english
Usar zapatos
Translation examples
¿No puedes usar zapatos?
You couldn't wear shoes?
Probablemente debería usar zapatos.
Hmm... I should probably wear shoes
No puedo usar zapatos.
I can't wear shoes.
Apenas comenzó a usar zapatos.
He just started wearing shoes.
Me hizo usar zapatos, y tengo cajones llenos de vestidos.
He made me wear shoes, and have drawers full of clothes.
Parecería que el usar zapatos hubiera alterado su punto de equilibrio; sus pasos eran más largos y firmes que de costumbre.
It was as if wearing shoes had shifted his point of balance and his steps were longer and more firm than usual.
Vivir en una gran ciudad como Blythe significaba tener que usar zapatos y también ir a la escuela.
Living in a big city like Blythe meant I had to wear shoes. It also meant I had to go to school.
Dios era una presencia totalitaria. Aparte de las monjas y un par de sirvientes, en el vasto edificio de adobe y tejas vivían sólo dieciséis muchachas, la mayoría huérfanas o abandonadas, que aprendían a usar zapatos, comer con tenedor y dominar algunos oficios domésticos elementales, para que más tarde se emplearan en humildes labores de servicio, pues no se suponía que tuvieran capacidad para otra cosa.
God’s presence was absolute. In addition to the nuns and a pair of servants, only sixteen girls occupied the vast adobe-and-tile building, most of them orphaned or abandoned. They learned to wear shoes, eat with a fork, and master a few elementary domestic skills, so that later they could be employed in humble serving positions, for it was assumed that they were incapable of anything else.
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