Translation for "universidad de humboldt" to english
Universidad de humboldt
Translation examples
En la actualidad, BBT Materials Processing está preparando (en cooperación con el Centro de Apoyo a los Usuarios de Tecnología de Microgravedad del Centro Espacial Alemán (DLR-MUSC) y la Universidad de Humboldt) una nueva generación de la instalación TITUS avanzada para la estación espacial internacional .
At present, BBT Materials Processing is developing (in cooperation with the Microgravity User Support Center of the German Aerospace Center (DLR-MUSC) and with Humboldt University) a new generation of the Advanced TITUS facility for the international space station.
Documentación de la conferencia especializada celebrada el 23 de junio de 2000, Universidad de Humboldt en Berlín
Documentation of the specialist conference held on 23 June 2000, Humboldt University in Berlin
El Sr. Paulus (Profesor, Universidad de Humboldt, Berlín), que acompaña su intervención con una presentación digital de diapositivas, dice que la crisis de la zona del euro plantea un riesgo sistémico para las economías y las políticas nacionales.
34. Mr. Paulus (Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin), accompanying his remarks with a digital slide presentation, said that the eurozone crisis posed a systemic risk to national economies and politics.
Los seminarios dictados en el Curso Regional fueron los siguientes (en orden cronológico): "Introduction to international law" (G. Nolte, profesor, Universidad de Humboldt, miembro de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional); "Research in international law" (D. Stewart, Oficial Jurídico Adjunto, División de Codificación, Oficina de Asuntos Jurídicos de las Naciones Unidas); "International humanitarian law" e "International criminal law" (K. Riordan, Director General de Servicios Jurídicos de la Defensa de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Nueva Zelandia); "Law of the sea" (T. Treves, profesor, Universidad de Milán, antiguo magistrado del Tribunal Internacional del Derecho del Mar); "Peaceful settlement of disputes" y "Codification and progressive development of international law: the work of the International Law Commission" (L. Caflisch, profesor honorario, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores Internacionales y del Desarrollo, Ginebra, Presidente de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional); "State responsibility", "Diplomatic protection" e "International organizations" (E. de Wet, profesora y Codirectora del Instituto de Derecho Internacional y Comparado en África, Universidad de Pretoria); "International trade law" (M.M. Mbengue, profesor, Universidad de Ginebra); "The work of the African Union Commission on International Law" (A. Kilangi, Decano de la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad San Agustín de Tanzanía, Presidente de la Comisión de Derecho Internacional de la Unión Africana); "International human rights law" (F. Viljoen, profesor y Director del Centro de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Pretoria); "International environmental law" (G. Handl, profesor, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Tulane); "Self-determination in international law" y "Africa and international law in the twenty-first century" (A. Yusuf, magistrado, Corte Internacional de Justicia); e "International investment law" (J. Donoghue, magistrada, Corte Internacional de Justicia).
11. The seminars for the Regional Course included (in chronological order): "Introduction to international law" (G. Nolte, Professor, Humboldt University, Member of the International Law Commission); "Research in international law" (D. Stewart, Associate Legal Officer, Codification Division, United Nations Office of Legal Affairs); "International humanitarian law" and "International criminal law" (K. Riordan, Director General of Defence Legal Services for the New Zealand Defence Force); "Law of the sea" (T. Treves, Professor, University of Milan, former Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea); "Peaceful settlement of disputes" and "Codification and progressive development of international law: the work of the International Law Commission" (L. Caflisch, Honorary Professor, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Chairman of the International Law Commission); "State responsibility", "Diplomatic protection" and "International organizations" (E. de Wet, Professor and Co-Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa, University of Pretoria); "International trade law" (M. M. Mbengue, Professor, University of Geneva); "The work of the African Union Commission on International Law" (A. Kilangi, Dean of the Faculty of Law, St. Augustine University of Tanzania, President of the African Union Commission on International Law); "International human rights law" (F. Viljoen, Professor and Director of the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria); "International environmental law" (G. Handl, Professor, Tulane University Law School); "Self-determination in international law" and "Africa and international law in the twenty-first century" (A. Yusuf, Judge, International Court of Justice); and "International investment law" (J. Donoghue, Judge, International Court of Justice).
El Sr. Paulus (Profesor, Universidad de Humboldt, Berlín) dice que el alivio de la deuda es indispensable para la prevención de las crisis y que se necesita un elemento disuasorio de carácter legal para infundir disciplina entre prestatarios y prestamistas.
69. Mr. Paulus (Professor, Humboldt University, Berlin) said that debt relief was essential to crisis prevention, and that a legal deterrent was needed to instil discipline among borrowers and lenders.
Se alojaba en el despacho de un profesor en la Universidad de Humboldt.
He was staying at some professor’s office at Humboldt University.”
No ha venido, y estamos en su laboratorio de la Universidad de Humboldt.
He didn’t come, and so we’re here at his laboratory at Humboldt University.
Albrecht esperó a que la puerta se cerrara y dijo: «A la Universidad de Humboldt, por favor».
Albrecht waited until the door was closed to say, “Humboldt University, please.”
Unos minutos después, los Fargo caminaban a buen paso por Unter den Linden en dirección a la Universidad de Humboldt.
A few minutes later Sam and Remi walked briskly back along Unter den Linden toward Humboldt University.
Tras una meticulosa deliberación, la Comisión ha decidido que no es usted apto para impartir el curso de literatura comparada en la Universidad de Humboldt.
After careful consideration, the Commission has decided that you are not fit to teach the course on Comparitive Literature at Humboldt University.
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