Translation for "una vez levantada" to english
Una vez levantada
Translation examples
Ciro Smith resolvió proceder a la construcción de una sólida escalera de cuerda, que una vez levantada hiciera absolutamente inaccesible la entrada del Palacio de granito.
Cyrus Harding, therefore, resolved to proceed without any further delay to the fabrication of a strong rope ladder, The Mysterious Island The Mysterious Island 94 Page 91 which, once raised, would render Granite House completely inaccessible.
En caso de que los piratas se presentaran y trataran de atravesar el río, procuraría detenerlos a tiros y, en último resultado, se refugiaría en el Palacio de granito, donde, una vez levantado el ascensor, estaría seguro.
In the event of the pirates presenting themselves and attempting to force the passage, he was to endeavor to stop them by firing on them, and as a last resource he was to take refuge in Granite House, where, the lift once raised, he would be in safety. The Mysterious Island
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