Translation for "un hombre de su estatura" to english
Un hombre de su estatura
  • a man of his stature
Translation examples
a man of his stature
El apoyo de un hombre de su estatura ayudaría mucho a mi causa.
The support of a man of his stature would help my cause greatly.
¿No un hombre de su estatura haber usado dentadura postiza?
Wouldn't a man of his stature have used false teeth?
Deberías sentirte un tio con suerte ya que un hombre de su estatura sea el que profane a tu madre.
You should be so lucky that a man of his stature would defile your mother.
Realmente me gusta Cade, y puedo entender cómo un hombre de su estatura podría ser interesante para una mujer...
I really like Cade, and I can understand how a man of his stature could be intriguing to a woman.
No esperaba que un hombre de su estatura fuera tan impresionable.
He did not expect a man of his stature to be so affected.
Pero, entonces, ¿había sido correcto volverse hacia un hombre de su estatura y endosarle un cliché?
And then, had it been right to turn on a man of his stature and stick him with a clichщ?
El freno y el acelerador estaban ajustados a un hombre de su estatura, y él los ha manejado como si fuera Horowitz navegando a través de una tormenta de Liszt.
The brake and gas were rigged to suit a man of his stature, and he handled them like Horowitz sailing through a storm of Liszt.
Tenía manos inusualmente grandes para un hombre de su estatura (mediría un metro cincuenta, como mucho), con dedos largos y delgados. Intercalaba en la conversación una asombrosa exhibición de gestos que eran casi tan expresivos como sus palabras.
For a man of his stature-five-two at the tallest-his hands were quite large, with long, thin fingers, and his conversation was punctuated with an amazing array of gestures that were nearly as expressive as words. I liked him at once.
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