Translation for "un destructor" to english
Un destructor
  • a destroyer
Translation examples
a destroyer
No somos constructores, ni tú ni yo ni el otro. Somos destructores. Destructores».
We are not builders, not you, or I, or the other one. We are destroyers. Destroyers.
El suyo era de destructora.
She was a destroyer.
—¿Qué Destructor es este?
“Which Destroyer is this?”
—¿Eres el destructor?
Are you the destroyer?
Ellos son explotadores y destructores.
They are exploiters and destroyers.
Los Destructores lo rodean.
The Destroyers surround it.
Los Destructores se abalanzan sobre él.
The Destroyers pounce.
¿Dónde están los Destructores?
Where are the Destroyers?
Una falange de Destructores.
A phalanx of Destroyers.
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