Translation for "trapicheos" to english
Translation examples
Basándonos en cuándo perdió la beca y cuándo pagó su matrícula, me figuro que Danielle llevaba haciendo trapicheos durante un mes.
*** and when tuition was due, I'm figuring that Danielle was turning tricks for no more than a month.
Va contra las reglas del club hacer trapicheos.
It's against club rules to turn tricks.
Oh, si, los trapicheos de los esclavos.
Oh, yes, and slaves have tricks.
¿Sabe Robert los trapicheos que hacías para poder llegar a fin de mes?
Oh, does Robert know that you used to turn tricks to make ends meet?
Estrategias de venta, trucos de trapicheo, nuevas personas que reclutar.
Sales strategies, dealing tricks, new people to enroll.
shady dealing
A ello añadió un cheque por una cifra superior a cuanto Sergei podía obtener de sus trapicheos y mezquindades el resto de su existencia.
To that Mijail added a cheque for an amount that exceeded anything Sergei could have obtained in his entire life through his mean and shady deals.
Méndez, el arrendador, no cobraba por todas esas comodidades con que agasajaba a sus clientes, sobre todo si eran grandes partidas como las de las gentes de Cuevas Bajas y sus alrededores, aunque tampoco lo hacía a los humildes mochileros, a quienes hasta llegaba a fiar o financiar sus trapicheos.
Méndez, the owner, didn’t charge for all those comforts he lavished on his customers, especially if they were large parties like those from Cuevas Bajas and the surrounding area, although he didn’t charge the modest backpackers either, and sometimes he even financed their shady dealings, or gave them tobacco on credit.
Müller decide entonces propagar que De la Rovere ha caído prisionero, y muy pronto Bardone, cuyo talento de histrión ha conocido el coronel hace poco y cuyos trapicheos con un oficial corrupto ha desenmascarado en seguida, le ofrece la posibilidad de sacar partido de ese bulo: Müller le propone librarle del paredón y le ofrece la libertad y dinero a cambio de que acepte hacerse pasar por el general De la Rovere e ingrese en la cárcel, confiando en que podrá utilizar en el futuro su presencia en ella.
Müller then decides to spread the news that Della Rovere has been taken prisoner, and very soon Bardone, whose acting talent the colonel has come to know not long before and whose shady dealings with a corrupt official he soon unmasks, offers him the chance to take advantage of this hoax: Müller proposes to save him from the firing squad and offers him freedom and money if he agrees to pass for General Della Rovere in jail, trusting he’ll be able to use his presence there in the future.
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