Translation for "traicionarte" to english
Translation examples
No hay nada ahora que pueda traicionarte.
There is nothing to betray you.
No volveré a traicionarte.
I won’t betray you again.
que amenazó con traicionarte en público;
that he threatened to betray you in public;
Francamente, está obligado a traicionarte.
“Frankly, he’s obligated to betray you.
—¡Entonces Mare no habría tenido que traicionarte!
“Then Mare wouldn’t have had to betray you!”
—No está a punto de traicionarte, mi señor.
“He’s not about to betray you, my lord.
Podría verme forzado a traicionarte.
I might be forced to betray you.
Nunca jamás volveré a traicionarte.
I'll never betray you again."
Desde entonces, ni un movimiento tuyo ha dejado de traicionarte.
Since then, there is no movement of yours that has not betrayed you.
—Yo no he de traicionarte;
I will not betray thee;
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