Translation for "totalmente oculta" to english
Totalmente oculta
Translation examples
totally hidden
Pero fuese quien fuese el que ocupaba aquel trono, quedaba casi totalmente oculto a la vista.
But whoever it was that sat in that chair was almost totally hidden from view.
Unas nubes de humo negro lo rodearon hasta que Annabeth y Percy quedaron totalmente ocultos.
Dark smoke billowed around him until Annabeth and Percy were totally hidden.
Ella obedeció y luego observó inmediatamente que su coche quedaba totalmente oculto a las ventanas del motel por la furgoneta gris oscuro de la izquierda.
She obeyed him, then realized immediately that her car was totally hidden from the windows of the motel by the dark gray van on the left.
Finalmente, me fui hasta el rincón, donde mi mujer tenía una lamparilla junto a la cama, y la apagué, de modo que quedé totalmente oculto en la oscuridad.
Eventually I went to the corner and clicked off the small lamp my wife kept beside our bed, so that I was totally hidden in the dark.
El local de venta de coches estaba totalmente oculto bajo una pared de fuego, y la parte superior del edificio, donde se hallaban las oficinas, se hallaba ya chamuscada.
The car showroom was totally hidden behind a blazing wall, the top part of the building, where the offices were, already scorched black.
El hecho de que el problema sea consecuencia de la utilización por la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico del Norte (OTAN) de municiones que contenían uranio empobrecido durante su agresión contra la República Federativa de Yugoslavia de 1999 permanece totalmente oculto.
The fact that it is a consequence of the use by NATO of the ammunition containing depleted uranium during its aggression on the FRY in 1999 remains completely hidden.
Así que la conexión del catering estaba totalmente oculta.
So the catering connection was completely hidden.
En el momento en que la nave entra por completo al espacio real, el proyector queda totalmente oculto.
By the time the ship is fully into realspace, the projector is completely hidden.
La luz era claramente más mortecina, el aire era más frío y el sol estaba totalmente oculto por las nubes.
The light was distinctly dimmer, the wind was brisker, the air was cooler, the sun was completely hidden by clouds.
La guerra con un arma semejante, totalmente oculta por un compuesto de invisibilidad, era demasiado horrible para pensar en ella.
War with such a weapon completely hidden by the compound of invisibility would be too horrible to contemplate.
Volví con Hui al borde del camino para asegurarnos de que quedaban totalmente ocultos.
I walked back with Hui to the edge of the road, and we made certain that the chariots were completely hidden.
Su rostro estaba totalmente oculto por una adornada careta modelada para parecer un dragón feroz.
His head was completely hidden by an ornate masked headpiece shaped to look like a fierce dragon.
Sus ojos estaban hundidos y casi totalmente ocultos por sus pobladas cejas, que se fruncían ferozmente sobre una larga nariz plana.
The eyes were deep-set and almost completely hidden from view by shaggy eyebrows that knotted fiercely over a long flat nose.
Se sentó en una silla de acero junto a una mesa blanca en el patio cubierto de grava, que quedaba totalmente oculto de la calle por un alto seto verde.
The steel chair she had taken at the white table in the graveled courtyard was completely hidden from the street by a high green hedge.
Y aunque he sido yo quien ha conectado los elementos de potencia en el extremo frío de la instalación, no he podido verlos, ya que estaban totalmente ocultos bajo una capa de pintura anticorrosiva.
Though I fixed the power elements at the cold end of the system, I never really saw them; they were completely hidden in anticorrosive paint.
Su cuerpo estaba enterrado dentro de un grueso chaquetón manchado de barro y su rostro quedaba casi totalmente oculto por el cuello del chaquetón y por su larga y sucia cabellera.
But right now she was buried inside a greasy green greatcoat smudged all over with mud, and her dirty face was almost completely hidden; partially by the collar of the heavy coat, and partially by her long, filthy hair, which was attached to the green greatcoat in various places by glistening blobs of mud.
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