Translation for "tontamente" to english
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Translation examples
Y tontamente valiente.
And foolishly brave.
Palabras tontamente elegido, hermano.
Words foolishly chosen, brother.
Tontamente, se marchó.
He foolishly then walked away.
Mi marido actuó tontamente.
- My husband has acted foolishly.
Tontamente, lo admito.
Y no gastarle tontamente.
And do not spend it foolishly.
- O debo decir tontamente?
- Or should I say foolishly?
Actuó muy tontamente, milady.
You acted very foolishly, my Lady.
Nos hemos puestos nerviosos tontamente.
We've gotten nervous foolishly.
Tontamente, la ignoró.
Foolishly, he ignored it.
—le preguntó Lib tontamente.
Lib asked foolishly.
Marsias, tontamente, accedió.
Marsyas foolishly agreed.
—Un hombre —repitió Bea tontamente.
Bea repeated foolishly.
Tontamente miró el reloj.
Foolishly, he looked at his watch.
Lok se descubrió riendo tontamente.
Lok found himself laughing foolishly.
Su melodía degenera tontamente en la de Augustin.
Her melody passes foolishly into Augustin.
Pero Netta no hizo sino sonreír tontamente.
But Netta only smiled foolishly.
—Soy un amigo —dijo Nadir tontamente—.
'I am a friend,' Nadir said foolishly.
Observó a Houlun y sonrió tontamente.
He regarded Houlun, and began to smile foolishly.
—Todo irá bien —le dijo tontamente.
“It’ll be alright,” she said to him foolishly.
Asintió con la cabeza tontamente.
She nodded her head, dumbly.
—K —dije tontamente—. No lo pillo.
‘K,’ I said dumbly. ‘I don’t get it.
– ¿No es un truco fotográfico? -preguntó tontamente. – No, general.
This is not a photographic trick? he asked dumbly. No, General.
—Pero la carne —repitió tontamente—… estaría irremediablemente contaminada.
'But the meat,' he repeated dumbly. 'It would be hopelessly contaminated.'
El otro retrato era de Stephanie, posando tontamente con un vestido amarillo.
The other portrait was of Stephanie, posing dumbly in a yellow dress.
Tante seguía sin poder asimilarlo, pero asintió tontamente.
Tante still couldn’t take it in, but she nodded dumbly in the affirmative.
–Espérame fuera- le ordenó ella, y él salió arrastrando tontamente los pies-.
“Wait outside,” she ordered him, and he shambled dumbly off.
El jovencito se encogió de hombros tontamente, al parecer ajeno al peligro que corrían.
The boy shrugged dumbly, showing little recognition of the peril they were in.
—preguntó. El muchacho, confundido y azorado, sacudió tontamente la cabeza.
she demanded, and he was puzzled and embarrassed. He shook his head dumbly.
Incluso cuando hago el esfuerzo lo único que consigo es quedarme mirándolo tontamente.
Even when I make the effort I only manage to stare at it dumbly.
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