Translation for "tomar carga" to english
Tomar carga
Translation examples
—Yo tomar cargo esta noche.
“I take load to-night.”
Al igual que la mayoría de los trasbordadores de automóviles, podían tomar carga tanto por proa como por popa, dependiendo del rumbo que llevasen en ese momento. No es que fueran barcos especialmente atractivos, ni siquiera antes de ser botados, pero en su época prestaron un servicio importantísimo a millones de pasajeros.
Like most car ferries, she could be loaded and off-loaded from either bow or stern, depending on the direction the ferry was steaming at the time. Even when new, she would never have been called glamorous, but she had supplied an important and unforgettable service in the lives of millions of her former passengers.
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