Translation for "toma la temperatura" to english
Toma la temperatura
Translation examples
take the temperature
Me toma la temperatura y me da las vitaminas y los antibióticos cada seis horas.
Takes my temperature, makes me take my antibiotics every six hours, and vitamins.
Mientras la enfermera toma su temperatura, miro el informe con los procedimientos de la noche.
While the nurse is taking his temperature, I look at his chart to find out what happened during the night.
Afanándose a su alrededor como un buen enfermero, Martin le toma la temperatura, insiste en que ingiera más aspirinas. Narrador (en off)
Hovering around her like a nurse, MARTIN takes her temperature and plies her with aspirin.NARRATOR (voice-over)
Se va calmando mientras me toma la temperatura y, tras prepararme algo de comer, se despide prometiendo regresar cuanto antes.
she tries in vain to come up with a solution. When she takes my temperature, she calms down, and then, after fixing me a meal, she tells me good-bye, promising to return as soon as she can.
Deja que Carys siga sentada en mis rodillas mientras recorre con manos amables los inflamados ganglios de mi hija, le toma la temperatura y le incita a abrir la boca fingiendo un concurso de canto que gana Carys, por supuesto.
She lets Carys sit on my lap as she runs gentle hands over my daughter’s swollen glands and takes her temperature and teases her into opening her mouth by staging a singing contest that Carys, of course, wins.
Al parecer, cuando un estudiante se siente indispuesto y no puede acudir a los partidos de la tarde, va a la enfermería y Judith Laughland le examina; le toma la temperatura, o lo que haga falta y, si está enfermo de verdad, le entrega la hoja de dispensa.
Apparently, when a student is feeling unwell and unable to join the games in the afternoon, he goes to the San where Judith Laughland examines him—takes his temperature or whatever else is required—and if he’s really ill, she gives him the off-games chit.
Es algo que lo impacta desde muy chico, una vez que tiene la tarde libre en el colegio y acompaña a su padre en su recorrida por el microcentro de la ciudad, donde trabaja, y lo ve cobrar cheques en bancos, pagar pasajes en compañías aéreas, comprar o vender moneda extranjera en casas de cambio, y lo impactará siempre, hasta los últimos días, cuarenta y dos años más tarde, cuando en el hospital, poco antes de la crisis pulmonar que lo condenará a la máscara de oxígeno y el entubamiento, su padre elija de un fajo ya considerablemente mermado los dos billetes de cincuenta pesos que ha decidido dar de propina «antes de que sea tarde», como él mismo dice, a la enfermera de la mañana, que lo sorprende hablándole en alemán mientras le cambia la vía, le aplica una inyección o le toma la temperatura.
He’s struck by this at a very early age, one day when he spends an afternoon off school accompanying his father on his rounds through the city’s business district, where he works, and sees him cashing checks at banks, buying tickets at airline offices, and trading foreign currency at currency exchanges, and he will never cease to be struck by it, even in the last days at the hospital forty-two years later, just before the lung failure that condemns him to an oxygen mask and tubes, when his father selects two fifty-peso notes from an already significantly depleted wad, having decided to give them as a tip, “before it’s too late,” in his words, to the morning nurse, who surprises him by speaking German to him while changing his IV, giving him an injection, or taking his temperature.
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