Translation for "tantas especies" to english
Translation examples
Nunca se había visto en Dara una bandada tan enorme de pájaros de tantas especies volando juntos.
Never had Dara seen such a large flock of birds of so many species flying in unison.
En cambio la flora y la fauna eran maravillosas, los fotógrafos estaban de fiesta, nunca habían tenido al alcance de sus lentes tantas especies de árboles, plantas, flores, insectos, aves y animales.
On the other hand, the flora and fauna were marvelous; the photographers were having a field day, they had never had within the focus of their cameras so many species of trees, plants, flowers, insects, birds, and animals.
Pero, excepto en esos tiempos de intercambio y de confusión, resulta milagroso que tantas especies de seres puedan nacer, desenvolverse y morir sin conocerse, sin odiarse ni estimarse, en las mismas regiones del universo;
But outside of such times of interchange and confusion, it seems a miracle that so many species of beings can be born, develop, and die in the same regions of the universe without being acquainted with each other, without either hating or esteeming each other;
Como David Quammen, autor de Spillover: Infecciones Animales y la Próxima Pandemia Humana , argumenta: "Invadimos los bosques tropicales y otros paisajes salvajes, que albergan tantas especies de animales y plantas - y dentro de esas criaturas, tantos virus desconocidos.
As David uammen, author of Spillover: Animal Infections and the Ne t Human Pandemic , argues: “We invade tropical forests and other wild landscapes, which harbor so many species of animals and plants – and within those creatures, so many unknown viruses.
Como David Quammen, autor de Spillover: Infecciones Animales y la Próxima Pandemia Humana , argumenta: "Invadimos los bosques tropicales y otros paisajes salvajes, que albergan tantas especies de animales y plantas - y dentro de esas criaturas, tantos virus desconocidos. Cortamos los árboles;
As David Quammen, author of Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic , argues: “We invade tropical forests and other wild landscapes, which harbor so many species of animals and plants – and within those creatures, so many unknown viruses. We cut the trees;
Las tres hectáreas que rodeaban la casa eran un parque privado cuidado con esmero, donde algunos senderos de piedra conducían a un paisaje tropical de palmeras, ficus nidida, azaleas cargadas de flores de un rojo intenso, heléchos, aves del paraíso y flores de temporada de tantas especies, que Laura sólo podía identificar a la mitad de ellas.
The six-acre property around the house was a meticulously maintained private park where winding stone pathways led through a tropical landscape of palms, benjaminas, ficus nidida, azaleas laden with brilliant red blossoms, impatiens, ferns, birds of paradise, and seasonal flowers of so many species that Laura could identify only half of them.
Están salvando tantas especies como pueden.
They're saving as many species as they can.
Malawi, en Africa Central puede que no tenga tantas especies de camaleones como Madagascar pero tiene uno de los mayores:
Malawi in central Africa may not have as many species of chameleon as Madagascar but it has one of the largest
Somos una de las tantas especies que habitan el planeta que nuestros ancestros llamaron: Madre Tierra.
We're just one of the many species that have inhabited this place that our ancestors call Mother Earth.
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