Translation for "tan seguido" to english
Translation examples
66. Lamenta el Grupo que personas que se dedican a esta noble acción sean tan seguido víctimas de represalias.
66. The Group regrets that persons dedicated to this noble cause should so often be victims of reprisals.
- No tanto y no tan seguido.
- Not so much or so often!
¿Por eso nos mudábamos tan seguido?
That's why we moved so often?
Así no se traba tan seguido.
So it won't crash so often.
¿Por qué vienes tan seguido?
Why do you come over so often?
Pienso tanto en ti. Tan seguido.
I think about you so often.
- Bueno, lo cambio tan seguido.
- Well, I change it so often. I mean...
Lo escuché tan seguido...
I heard it so often...
- He escuchado tu nombre tan seguido.
- I'mve heard your name so often.
No Tan Seguidos Juegos de la Selva!
Every-So-Often Jungle Games!
Se desaparece tan seguido.
He comes up missing so often.
Ya no sueña tan seguido.
He doesn't dream so often now.
¿Por qué cambian de color de pelo y piel tan seguido?
Why do they change their hair and skin color so often?
Qué tenés que hacer tan seguido en McDonald’s en vez de volver a casa temprano para estar con nosotros.
What is it you need to do so often at McDonald’s instead of coming home early to be with us?
Yo no sé por qué me detengo tan seguido en Terra, donde se cometió el Crimen inmortal, nadie sabe con qué fin.
I do not know why I hover so often over Terra, where the immortal Crime was committed—and to what purpose?
Me volví a mi derecha y vi a aquel otro mejor vestido, pero sucio y cansado, que había visto antes, aunque no tan seguido.
I turned to my right, and saw the better-dressed but dusty and weary man I had seen not quite so often before.
Ganaba tan seguido que fui acusado de trampa, pero aunque nunca habría estado por encima de algo así, parecía estar pasando por una racha de la más extraordinaria buena suerte.
I won so often that I was accused of cheating, but though I would not have been above such a thing, I just seemed to be having a run of the most extraordinary luck.
–Aun me interesa.– Dijo Voldemort.– Me preguntaba por que usted… a quien le ha pedido consejo el ministerio tan seguido, y a quien le han ofrecido dos veces el puesto de Ministro, creo…-
‘I see it still,’ said Voldemort. ‘I merely wondered why you – who is so often asked for advice by the Ministry, and who has twice, I think, been offered the post of Minister –’
Todavía estaban los surcos de la última cosecha de algodón, y a medida que aumentaba la velocidad del coche, los surcos hacían saltar a Dude y Bessie, tan seguido y tan fuerte, que no podían mantenerse en el asiento.
The rows of the last crop of cotton were still there, and as the car gathered speed, the bumps tossed Dude and Bessie up and down so suddenly and so often that they could not keep their seats.
No tan seguido como quisiera.
Not as often as I'd like.
Tan seguido como pienso en ti.
As often as I think of you.
Tan seguido como pueda prescindir de ellos.
As often as I can spare them.
- Solo que no tan seguido.
Only not quite as often.
Bueno, al menos no tan seguido.
Well, anyway, not as often.
- Sí, tan seguido...
- Yes, as often as...
- Tan seguido como quieras.
- As often as you want.
No escribo tan seguido como debería.
I don't write as often as I should.
Tan seguido y tanto tiempo como puedo.
As often and as long as I can.
Tenía un resorte endiabladamente fuerte y mi tío no lo había aceitado tan seguido como tocaba.
It had a devilishly strong spring and my uncle did not have it oiled as often as he might.
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