Translation for "taller de artesanía" to english
Taller de artesanía
Translation examples
crafts workshop
En este contexto el Ministerio de Desarrollo Rural Agropecuario y Tierras ha implementado diferentes unidades operativas: Unidad Desconcentrada del Programa de Apoyo a la Seguridad, para el año 2011, ha realizado acciones concretas como: Talleres artesanales y capacitación, 40 talleres en artesanías, número de beneficiarios de este proyecto son, 8.125; apoyo a la producción agropecuaria, 240 hectáreas de semilla de papa sembradas, 316 hectáreas de forraje cultivados, establecimiento de 75 hectáreas conservadas, 14 invernaderos, 6 silos construidos, 1.000 hectáreas de maíz y trigo, 240 hectáreas de papa y 240 colmenas, número de beneficiados con estas acciones son 9.362 familias.
378. In this context, the Ministry of Rural Agricultural Development and Land has established various operational units: a decentralized unit of the security support programme for 2011 has organized specific activities such as craft and training workshops, including 40 craft workshops, and 8,125 people have benefited from this project; support for agricultural production, in which 240 hectares have been sown with potato seeds, 316 hectares have been allocated to fodder cultivation, 75 hectares have been given protected status, 14 greenhouses and 6 silos have been built, 1,000 hectares have been planted with corn and wheat, and 240 beehives have been set up, with 9,362 beneficiary families.
Incluye actividades como talleres de artesanía, coordinado por la organización no gubernamental "Grupo Encuentro con Amigos"; un taller de inglés conversacional con profesoras voluntarias; manualidades con grupos voluntarios y talleres de expresiones artísticas como guitarra, teatro y bailes folclóricos.
It includes activities such as craft workshops, coordinated by the NGO "Meeting with Friends", an English conversation class with voluntary teachers; manual activities with voluntary groups, and workshops for the arts such as guitar, theatre and folk dancing.
Además, el Fondo Nacional de Solidaridad ha concedido fondos a unas 300 organizaciones no gubernamentales para la realización de programas sociales y humanitarios, talleres informáticos y talleres de artesanía, y les ha facilitado infraestructuras.
In addition, about 300 non-governmental organizations had received support from the National Solidarity Fund for their social and humanitarian programmes, computer workshops and craft workshops, and had been given infrastructural support.
Los asentamientos están plenamente dotados de completas redes de tuberías para el abastecimiento de agua y el saneamiento, una red vial, espacio abierto, centros de formación profesional y atención de la salud, bibliotecas, escuelas, una red de servicio telefónico y talleres de artesanía ecológica.
The settlements are fully equipped with complete piped networks for water supply and sanitation, a road network, open space, vocational training and health-care centres, libraries, schools, a phone service network, and environmentally friendly crafts workshops.
Podía participar en ceremonias religiosas, talleres de artesanía y programas educativos.
He could participate in religious services, craft workshops, and educational programs.
después, la madre, cuyo sentido comercial era inexistente, había hecho caso omiso de las recomendaciones de la familia y los amigos y había tratado de manejar por sí misma el pequeño taller de artesanías de la familia.
Then her mother, whose business sense was nonexistent, had ignored the recommendations of family and friends and had tried to manage the small family craft shop on her own.
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