Translation for "tallado en madera" to english
Translation examples
El zapatero usó una horma, una copia exacta del pie del hombre tallada en madera.
The cobbler would have used a last, which is the shape of the man's foot carved in wood.
El zapatero uso algo llamado horma, la forma de un pie humano tallada en madera.
The cobbler would have used something called a last, this is basically the shape of the man's foot carved in wood.
—Esa mujer está tallada en madera.
“She is carved from wood, that one.”
Es como si estuviera tallada en madera.
‘She looks as if she’s all carved of wood.
En vez de acero, había sido tallado en madera.
Instead of steel, it was carved from wood.
Se hubiera dicho que tenía los rasgos tallados en madera.
His features might have been carved from wood.
Nailer sentía como si sus facciones estuvieran talladas en madera.
Nailer’s face felt like it was carved from wood.
Al cabo de un momento llegaron a una puerta tallada en madera.
After some distance they arrived at a door carved from wood.
Francis casi se preguntó si no estaría tallado en madera.
Francis almost wondered if he might be carved from wood.
Años atrás, había tallado la madera para el molde y lo había vaciado en plata.
Years ago, she had carved the wood for the mould and cast it herself in silver.
Hombres tallados en madera que no se cansaban nunca, que no parecían sentir el dolor.
Men carved from wood who never got tired, who felt no pain.
Su rostro, que a pesar de las arrugas se conservaba apuesto, parecía tallado en madera.
His seamed face, still handsome, might have been carved from wood.
Tiene un rostro tan cincelado que no parece real, como una cara humana tallada en madera. —¿Sabes quién soy?
His face is so chiseled it looks unreal, like a wood carving of a human face. “Do you know who I am?”
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