Translation for "tal vez es" to english
Translation examples
Tal vez es hora.
Maybe it is time.
- Tal vez es simple.
- Maybe it is simple.
Tal vez es un bombero.
Maybe it is a firefighter.
Tal vez es cierto.
Maybe it is true.
[Risas] tal vez es.
[ chuckles ] maybe it is.
Tal vez es nuestro destino.
Maybe it is our fate.
Tal vez es por Billy.
Maybe it is Billy.
Tal vez es magia.
Maybe it is magic.
Tal vez es estúpido.
Maybe it is stupid.
Tal vez es posible.
Maybe it is possible.
Tal vez es hora de reducir la carga.
Perhaps it is time to lighten burden.
Pero tal vez es una vez más el tiempo ...
But perhaps it is once again time...
Tal vez es ella.
Perhaps it is she.
Tal vez es el momento para una alianza.
Perhaps it is time for an alliance.
Tal vez es un rubí.
- Perhaps it is a ruby.
Tal vez es mejor no venderlo.
Perhaps it is better not to sell.
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