Translation for "sácame" to english
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Translation examples
—¡Sí, por favor, sácame de aquí!
“Yes, please, take me out of here!”
Sácame de aquí, Raluca. Ahora.
Take me out of here, Raluca. Now.
Sácame de este sitio, padre.
Choose which way, Father. Take me out of this place.
Baluka asintió. —Entonces sácame de aquí.
Baluka nodded. “Then take me out of here.”
—Louis, sácame de aquí —dijo Pris—.
"Louis," Pris said, "take me out of here;
Él… ¡Oh, Ted, sácame de aquí! ¡Por favor!
He… oh Ted, take me out of here! Please!
¡Sácame deprisa de aquí! —¿Puedo ayudar?
“Just take me out of here!” “Might I help?”
Y ella le dice, sácame de la cocina y ponme a fuego lento.
She says, ‘Take me out of the frying pan . And into the fire!’ ”
Lo agarraba con ambas manos—. Sácame de aquí.
She was gripping his arm with both hands. “Take me out of here.”
Le escribió a su padre: «Por favor, sácame de aquí lo antes posible».
He wrote to his father: ‘Please take me out of this, as soon as possible.’
Sácame de esta noche.
Get me through this night.
—¡Sácame de aquí, joder!
“Fuck, get me off this thing!”
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