Translation for "sugerido antes" to english
Translation examples
¿Nuestra cama en el salón como yo había sugerido antes?
Our bed in the living room like I suggested before? Yeah.
Como he sugerido antes, esto podría interpretarse como un intento deliberado de señalar la debilidad de la raza blanca incriminada.
As I suggested before, this could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to weaken the white side.
Que yo sepa, no se ha sugerido antes que Teseo poseyera el aura del terremoto, un instinto bien conocido entre los animales y los pájaros.
It has not to my knowledge been suggested before that Theseus was endowed with the earthquake-aura, an instinct well attested among animals and birds.
Scott desperdició un año en ese estúpido ashram por mera tozudez, pero, como he sugerido antes, parte de esa tozudez viene de su afán de analizar y comprender las experiencias.
Scott was indulging his stubborn-ness when he wasted a year in that stupid ashram, but as I've suggested before, part of that stubbornness comes from his reluctance to let any experience pass unexamined or to remain less than totally understood.
Volviendo ahora de lo incipientemente sublime a lo casi ridículo, existe, como he sugerido antes, una apasionada y fuerte competición entre los críticos literarios por el honor de haber hecho el comentario menos perspicaz sobre Tolkien.
If one turns now from the incipiently sublime to the near-ridiculous, there is, as I have suggested before, a fierce and a strong competition among literary critics for the honour of having made the least perceptive comment on Tolkien.
dentro de unos setenta días, tal y como han sugerido antes etcétera, etcétera.
in about sixty days as suggested earlier etc.
Si tenemos en cuenta que se tomó en 1964, viene a decirnos algo sobre Clarence, algo diferente de lo que he sugerido antes, cuando observé que era real como la vida misma, esa foto de él con una copa en la mano.
If one bears in mind that it was taken in nineteen sixty-four, it says something else about Clarence, different from what I suggested earlier, when I observed how true to life it was, being a picture of him with a drink in his hand.
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