Translation for "subprocurador" to english
Translation examples
295. No pueden ser elegidos Presidentes ni Vicepresidentes de la República: 1) Los Secretarios y Subsecretarios de Estado, Magistrados del Tribunal Supremo Electoral, Magistrados y Jueces del Poder Judicial, Presidentes, Vicepresidentes, Gerentes, Subgerentes, Directores, Subdirectores, Secretarios Ejecutivos de Instituciones Descentralizadas y Desconcentradas; Miembros del Tribunal Superior de Cuentas; Procurador y Subprocurador General de la República; Director y Subdirectores del Registro Nacional de las Personas; Procurador y Subprocurador del Ambiente, Fiscal General de la República y Fiscal General Adjunto; Superintendente de Concesiones y Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, que hayan ejercido funciones durante el año anterior a la fecha de la elección del Presidente de la República.
295. The following may not be elected President or Vice-President of the Republic: (1) ministers and deputy ministers, magistrates of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, magistrates and judges of the judiciary, presidents, vice-presidents, managers, deputy managers, directors, deputy directors and executive secretaries of decentralized and dispersed institutions; members of the Superior Audit Office; the Public Prosecutor and Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Republic; the Director and Assistant Directors of the National Registry of Persons; the Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutor for the Environment, the Attorney-General and the Deputy Attorney-General of the Republic; the Superintendent of Concessions and the National Human Rights Commissioner, where they have held office during the year preceding the date of election of the President of the Republic.
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